26 Results from 2008, /sibos
Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research
Despite what you hear and read about SEPA it is a fact that it has failed to achieve any notable volume since it went live. At a recent conference chaired by yours truly a number of eminent speakers from the upper echelons of banking finally agreed in public under examination that there has only been 2.5% of possible volume of SEPA Credit Transfer...
12 December 2008 /regulation /sibos EBAday
The economic crisis is a worldwide problem of gargantuan proportions, which is causing an increasing number of Governments to take unusual and dynamic actions to try and prop up the banking system against an unparalleled destabilisation of the markets. The interbank credit stagnation has been building over many years but because of global, suppose...
07 October 2008 /sibos Operational Risk Management
Now I know we live in difficult times and just about everything is on the rise but lunch at SIBOS is taking pricing to a new level. With virtually no choice of food on the exhibition floor my colleague and I decided to take advantage of the buffet restaurant on the upper floor. Having trekked all morning around the huge exhibition floor we were ea...
23 September 2008 /sibos
Retired Member
Now we are all back in the office, it is timely to reflect on last week at Sibos, momentous by any measure. The Closing Plenary certainly caught the mood, but interwoven throughout that session was a theme which we all need to take away from Vienna. Lazaro said in his introduction that "we meet here . . . to collaborate, to collaborate, and t...
22 September 2008 /payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos
In one of today’s SIBOS panel debates we managed to convince an informed audience that hedge funds are not the root of all evil, and hopefully I’ll be able to convince you. The market event of this week have brought the issues of risk and exposure to the fore and with that comes the usual witch hunt that has traditionally targeted the high-
18 September 2008 /sibos
As we approach the end of Sibos, activity in the exhibition halls continues, at least for us, at a high level. Outside the Sibos 'bubble', when the media intrude, it seems that all hell has broken loose in the financial world. Certainly, this has been a subdued Sibos but thankfully attendees are still grappling here with the issues and challenges ...
18 September 2008 /payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos
Exceptions are the curse of the payments industry; They are the risk They are the cost They are the operational inefficiency As an industry we need to apply the same level of technology to the exceptional payment as we have to those that flow straight through our processing infrastructures. Having just come from the sibos session 'Implementing SW
18 September 2008 /payments /sibos Operational Risk Management
Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia
With corporate social responsibility on the conference agenda at Sibos for the first time, I thought it would be interesting to have a chat with Swift's own CSR manager to talk about the co-operative's efforts to be greener and leaner. As a major operator of data centres, and organiser of large global events, calculating the carbon footprint is a c...
18 September 2008 /sibos Going green
What a difference a year makes. Only this week, we have seen the Financial Services sector go through further turmoil and in the past 12 months, the news pages were filled with bail-outs, bankruptcies and emergency funding with Lehmann Brothers and Merrill Lynch being the latest victims of this ongoing crisis as the news broke on the first day of ...
A survey by my company - ACI Worldwide - at Sibos found that 78 percent of those delegates questioned who expressed an opinion ‘strongly agree' or ‘agree' that the migration to SEPA instruments has been disappointing to date. In addition, 46 percent of respondents feel there is nothing more that the banking industry's self regulation of SEPA can ...
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