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334 Results from /sibos

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Retired Member 

SWIFT Opening up?

The final full day of Sibos, and at last I get to the subject of standards. It had to come eventually! Today, I went to a very interesting session on implementing SWIFT standards, which included panelists from SunGard, Clearstream, Oracle, IBM and JP Morgan. For years, vendors have been asking SWIFT to make their standards easier to implement – FIN...

/sibos SWIFT Matters

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is Sibos a silo?

Sibos 2009 is drawing to a close and, as every year, hundreds of meetings, presentations and discussions have taken place. While Sibos has traditionally been a correspondent banking event, there has been a marked change in the topics covered both during conversations among the delegates and in Wednesday’s Big Issue Debate and Thursday’s Payments


Philippe Helou

Philippe Helou General Manager EMEA at Murex

Asian market gathers speed in risk management

As we look back over the past twelve months, there have been significant changes in the financial services industry. Recent experience has highlighted the nature of the challenges inherent within financial institutions’ risk management systems. The race to build more structured and complex products is screeching to a halt while financial institutio...

/regulation /sibos

Parth Desai

Parth Desai Founder and CEO at Pelican

Dont take exception to cost saving and revenue generation

The introduction of regulations such as the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), continuing recessionary pressures and increased competition across the payments landscape are forcing banks to re-evaluate the way they process payments. For many, payment processing remains an extremely costly business. For example, it can constitute up to 40% of a bank...

/payments /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sibos 2009 - Wednesday

So it's official: Andrew Long from HSBC stated today in one of the "Big Debates" that customers need SEPA to be relevant to them to create demand and then migration. He suggested that SEPA was driven only by politicians and that we as an industry should find out what the market wants and then tailor the rules to fit. This sounds like good...

/payments /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MT202 - More transparency, or more work?

SWIFT’s new standards changes go live on 21st November 2009. Talking about this yesterday, I started thinking about the three key areas that SunGard think are critical for 2010 – Transparency, Efficiency and Networks. What the community is trying to achieve with SWIFT’s MT202 is a great example of the first, transparency. Sitting in some of the ...

/payments /sibos SWIFT Matters

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Dare to share

After three days of Sibos 2009 and after having spoken to numerous delegates and my colleagues at the show, it is interesting to see that one of the recurring topics seems to be the renewed emphasis on the payments industry collaborating to share back office processing and moving towards cloud computing. While this is by no means a new topic, it


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Transaction banking - the 'new' sexy

Not once, not twice, but three times at Sibos, I have spoken to people who say Transaction Banking is The New Sexy. Admittedly, they did work in transaction banking, but I can see their point. Banks, especially the large masters of the universe over at investment banking, have not been living in the land of happy over the past two years. However, o...

/payments /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Not so risky times ahead

Since the start of the financial crisis, a great deal of focus has been put on how companies should reorganise their internal structures in an effort to try and prevent history repeating itself. While most parts of the corporate structure have been looked at, one area that has received little attention is the treasury function. But this is starti...

/regulation /sibos

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Location, location, location

Eventually talk at Sibos settles on the layout of the conference and exhibition hall. While the facilities at the Hong Kong centre are impressive, it has ruffled a few feathers. The exhibition hall is split between two, completely separate floors, separated by two sets of stairs. The conference sessions are further afield. In fact you can attend al...


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