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334 Results from /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Dangers of unlimited deposit insurance.

In response to the FDIC's (US) request for comment on it's proposed implementation of Section 343 of Dodd Frank (unlimited deposit insurance on corporate non-interest bearing accounts), Treasury Strategies highlighted several shortcomings and offered three recommendations to mitigate some of the potentially destabilizing elements of the Act.

/sibos /wholesale Treasury Management

Keith Bear

Keith Bear Vice President, Financial Markets at IBM

Are the clouds clearing?

Cloud models in wholesale financial services continue to get a lot of press, but fewer public references regarding value delivered, than you might expect for what many perceive as such a big game changer. In a survey we conducted with SWIFT last year, only 3% of bank respondents stated that it would have a major impact on the securities world compa...

/sibos /wholesale

Alan Jenkins

Alan Jenkins Principal at Jenkins UK Limited

It's all about the meaning of the data

OK, it's easy to be cynical - but if all these groups can agree consistent data definitions, and maintain these in the ISO 20022 repository, then it genuinely solves a lot of problems. The varying formats and protocols are secondary to the meaning of the underlying data, as Mike Bennett's excellent work for the EDM Council is demonstrating.

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sibos finger on the pulse - where manual trumps automation

Automation is one of the conference sessions at Sibos this year. The traditional mantra has been automation is best, but this has changed somewhat. Should all trades that can be automated always just go out the door without manual review? Probably not. Market turmoil means investment and asset managers need take back control with the manual review ...


Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Sibos exhibition floor activities

If you're going to be at Sibos or want to see what you're missing then don't forget to visit Finextra@Sibos' exhibition highlights diary during the Sibos week. We'll be featuring stand highlights, give-aways, drinks receptions, special interest sessions and other exhibition floor activities. So to help your plan your exhibition time visit Finextr...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Bob Ford

Bob Ford Vice President at Barcays Bank plc

Is This The Last European SIBOS As We Know It?

The registration numbers have been issued this morning and show about 2,000 delegates from Asia and the Americas. The remainder of the nearly 7,000 delegates are from EMEA. Nothing new in these statistics, but with the pressure on costs and the wide diversity of subject matter at SIBOS will the next couple of years when the show goes through the Am...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sibos: the real theme is cost reduction

We’ve been gearing up for Sibos for a couple of months now and in all our discussions with London-based international bankers, the show’s themes of the three Rs: Regulation, Rebuilding Trust and Recovery, seem to be ringing true. However, it’s also clear that regulatory compliance will be taking the lions’ share of companies’ resources and atte...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

What I know and believe about social media.

Not much. No, seriously, really not that much. Well, that's not strictly true. I do have some beliefs and knowledge about the use of social media from a personal, professional and every day life point of view. But, you know what, I bet they are not based on experience that is longer or more nuanced than any of you. I put up a Linkedin profile arou...

/sibos /wholesale Social Banks

Retired Member

Retired Member 


Arrive on the Sunday straight to the Hotel and then on to the Arena, photo taken, badge issued, now where is the stand. Into the Hall and the same question comes to mind “how the hell are they going to have all this ready by tomorrow morning? But they always do. Five o’ clock arrives and you see the carpet going down and the reason why your feet a...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Ten trends that are shaping the banking industry

I work with a great bunch of folks here at SunGard, every Monday morning, without fail, we congregate around the coffee machine and catch-up on our weekend activities. Today, for once in my life! I had little to say having spent my Sunday afternoon watching my eldest son’s football team put in a great performance yet still losing eight nil. The dis...

/sibos Innovation in Financial Services

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