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334 Results from /sibos

Craig Ramsey

Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide

Hubs. Time to make them work

Payments hubs have been a talking point for a number of years now. Once envisioned as the 'silver bullet' for payment system consolidation, the reality has become somewhat different. I've talked to a lot of different banks over the past few months, including some at Sibos, about the status of the hub projects they have undertaken. The overwhelmin...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Laying the groundwork for T2S: benefits beyond compliance

The Target2Securities (T2S) initiative has the ability to revolutionise trade processing in Europe. The projected consolidation and centralisation of processes is designed to lower operational costs and improve efficiency for asset servicers and (eventually) investment managers. In order to reap the maximum benefits of standardisation and ultimate...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sibos 2011 - O Canada

While some of the get-togethers have already started to happen, Sibos 2011 starts in earnest in Toronto on Monday and promises to raise some important issues. I was last in Toronto almost thirty years ago and, unsurprisingly, a lot has changed, notably the huge number of tall buildings now clustering around the tallest, the CN Tower. Thirty years a...

/payments /sibos

Craig Ramsey

Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide

Final countdown to Sibos

It’s hard to believe that Sibos is upon us again. It doesn’t seem like almost a year since we were all in Amsterdam. (Although they do say that times goes faster as you get older, so maybe that’s to blame…) In a world where so much is ‘virtual’, I must confess to a small stab of guilt at the thought of so many people travelling from around the worl...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Use SIBOS for Competitive Advantage

We all know that SIBOS is a massively important event for the FinTech community, it is also a perfect time to lay down competitive traps for your competition. Your potential customers will be listening to your value proposition and then quickly visiting your competition so laying down your traps in an intelligent and indirect way that makes your cu...

/payments /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Communicating and connecting through social media

Effective communication with customers is undoubtedly a key objective for all organisations, but with the rise in automation in the financial sector, banks are under increased pressure to use this in a positive way and use many different channels to stay in touch with their customers. Social media is currently considered to be the modern way to co...


Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Risk, what risk.

Having not long come back from visiting one of the Greek Islands I declare my hand as a fan of Greece, or at least its Islands. It pains me to see the problems its going through but you can’t help but wonder at the ‘spare the rod, spare the child’ attitude of the EU. In their haste to broaden the club, they rushed through the Greek application w

/regulation /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Let us go then, you and I, to Sibos

Sibos once again fast approaches, the programme is largely set and delegates can begin to plan their week in Toronto in some detail. As the recent financial crisis is no longer centre stage, the overall themes for Sibos recognise that the focus is shifting to the future and that the industry is grappling with new questions, especially around the i...

/payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The 4 C's of core banking - part 2

A bit overdue, but here’s the second installment of the 4 C’s of core banking. Finding the best way to tackle legacy core systems has re-emerged as a key topic of debate among banks, from top tier global players to smaller, domestic institutions. With their vast, fragmented architectures, banks’ legacy systems are typically cumbersome and lack the...

/sibos /retail

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Twitter tips from Liz. Just in time for Sibos.

I took part in a webcast a couple of weeks ago looking at how to best use social media channels at large events, such as Sibos (coming up next month, folks!) Cognito Analytics, which sponsored the webcast, organised the panel which included, Jennifer Maitland marketing operations manager at Caplin, Peter Vander Auwera, innovation leader at Swift an...

/sibos /wholesale Social Banks

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