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187 Results from 2011, /security

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

llegal Alien Steals Identity, Becomes Cop

In a story that could have come right out of a movie, a widely respected police officer turned out to be a Mexican national who stole an American identity and moved to Alaska to become a cop. I’ll bet Sarah Palin didn’t see this one coming. Fox News reports that the identity thief had been employed as an Anchorage police officer using his assumed ...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

15 Social Media Security Tips

1. Realize that you can become a victim at any time. Not a day goes by when we don’t hear about a new hack. With 55,000 new pieces of malware a day, security never sleeps. 2. Think before you post. Status updates, photos, and comments can reveal more about you than you intended to disclose. You could end up feeling like some silly politician as you...

/security /regulation

Lachlan Gunn

Lachlan Gunn Executive Director at European Association for Secure Transactions

Europol busts international cross border skimming operation

Operation Night Clone is a great success for Europol - not only has a major international skimming group been taken out of play, but Europol has again shown its operational teeth as a pan-European Law Enforcement Agency. While the Operation was led by Italy, authorities from Bulgaria, Poland, Spain and the USA were also involved. Europol took t...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Assessing Risk? Ask a pigeon.

I was recently browsing, when I came upon an interesting article. It was discussing the Monty Hall problem. For those of you who don’t know, this problem is based on a US quiz show and has caused a huge amount of debate at various times in the past. The idea is as follows. A contestant is asked to look at three closed doors and told behind tw...

/security /regulation Information Security

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How to Reset Your Gmail Password After Being Hacked

I finally got one of those “I’m stuck in London” emails. My friend Kate’s Gmail account was hacked, and everyone on her contact list received an email from a hacker posing as Kate: “Hi, Apologies, but I made a quick trip, to London,United Kingdom and got mugged, my bag, stolen from me with my passport and credit cards in it. The embassy is willing ...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Spear Phishing Leaves a Bloody Wound

Once criminal hackers get a person’s username and email address, they can begin to launch a targeted spear phish scam. Scammers copy the design of each breached entities outgoing email campaign and blast the breached list with “account update” or other ruses. Gaming site Sega Pass was hacked. On the Sega Pass website it states, “we had identified t...

/security /regulation

Angus Stewart

Angus Stewart CEO at

Are the banks next

Will the fallout from the News of the World scandal hit the banks next? It seems that not a day goes by without more revelations of hacking and data theft relating to the News of the World and its sister publications. The latest is that the Sun obtained information that Gordon Brown’s son has Cystic Fibrosis. With the newspaper having this informa...

/security /regulation

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Why off shore service is returning to the UK

It’s very interesting to see that Santander is bringing back 500 contact centre agents from India to the UK. This is good news for the UK economy, and is also part of a much wider trend in customer service that Santander is following. I’ve blogged on this before and good examples of firms brining service back to the UK include HSBC (see “HSBC cre...

/security /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Staff education essential to prevent data loss

The recent spate of high profile data losses aptly demonstrates the many ways in which data can go astray and reinforces the need to have every potential leakage point protected. Whether it is Wikileak-style insider activity, cyber-attacks from external hackers or careless unintentional loss of discs containing sensitive information, organisations...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

NATO persecution update

Hackers claimed yesterday that they had hacked NATO primary servers including Read, this is not the library where 11,000 often amateurish passwords were used by Military, NSA and other personnel accessing the library. In that case the library was maintained by a third party. In the most recent intrusion hackers have taken over the nato.i...

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