294 Results from 2010, /security
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Today’s criminal hackers are very different than those who hacked for fun and fame a decade ago. Every week, I see stories about more criminals in faraway lands, making millions from various scams, emptying the bank accounts of small businesses or draining the financial reserves of entire towns. High-tech crimes can be committed by lone individual...
11 November 2010 /security /regulation
Retired Member
Is regulatory pressure really going up? If you listen to the vendors and the press alike, that’s certainly the impression you’ll get, but is it true? We decided to find out by looking at the evidence to support the claim. As you will see, some surprises came up. To look into the claim of regulatory pressure being on the up, I invited Saskia Rietb...
10 November 2010 /security /payments
Something happened last week that was so extraordinary, I had to blink and rub my eyes to really believe they weren’t deceiving me! If you have read my blogs before, you will know I regularly highlight the risks of sending sensitive information via email. I am equally concerned about how businesses protect themselves against external attacks, and n...
08 November 2010 /security /regulation
A botnet is a group of Internet-connected personal computers that have been infected by a malicious application, which allows a hacker to control the infected computers without alerting the computer owners. Since the infected PCs are controlled remotely by a single hacker, they are known as bots, robots, or zombies. Consumers’ and small businesses...
06 November 2010 /security /regulation
“Spear phishing” refers to phishing scams that are directed at a specific target. Like when Tom Hanks was stranded on the island in the movie Cast Away. He whittled a spear and targeted specific fish, rather than dropping a line with bait and catching whatever came by. When phishing attacks are directed at company officers or senior executives, it...
05 November 2010 /security /regulation
Angus Stewart CEO at www.e-solutions.uk.com
Quangos aren't organisations that receive the best of press - even when they do a good job! The Audit Commission has had its fair share of critics over the years. But, unlike many quangos, it has played an important role - particularly in terms of ensuring local authorities in England remain accountable. In one of its final acts before being scrapp...
04 November 2010 /security /regulation
#1 Publically available information is not valuable to an identity thief. If I was an identity thief I’d start with the phone book. All information about you is of value to an identity thief. The bad guy gathers as much intelligence about you as possible. Once they get enough data to become you they are off and running. The breadcrumbs we leave be...
03 November 2010 /security /regulation
Shock. Horror. Criminal gangs are doing their utmost to hijack UK legal firms! No, we're not talking about the synopsis to a sequel to The Firm, John Grisham's best-selling novel about a US law practice that was a front for the mafia. We're talking about something much bigger, which has the potential to become a major problem for the legal communi
02 November 2010 /security /regulation
We often hear about data breaches in the news and the unfortunate victim whose operations have been devastated. But more often than not, this is as far as data security extends into our worlds. Do we ever actually consider what a breach may do to our business, if it were to happen? And should we be bothered? Many cases of data breaches don’t make h...
#1 You can’t protect yourself from identity theft. Some, not all Identity theft is preventable. There are many things people can do to minimize their risk, both online and offline. Shred anything that has names and account numbers or any other data that can be used to con someone else into divulging even more information. Keep financial records p...
01 November 2010 /security /regulation
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