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3660 Results from /retail

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

ID Theft Expert: Are You Addicted to Information Insecurity?

Identity Theft Speaker Robert Siciliano Article here; Are You Addicted to Information Insecurity? Ben Rothke writes a great article that ties in addiction and information Insecurity, thats IN-security. Face it, you may be an addict. You might have an addiction to something like sugar, nicotine, alcohol, sex, gambling, add

/security /retail

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

'Tone deaf' Wells Fargo beats retreat

Whatever were they thinking of? Wells Fargo, a recipient of $25 billion of taxpayer bail-out money, has been forced to cancel a lavish all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for up to 40 employees after facing a torrent of criticism from the public and politicians. Wells' rethink followed an Associated Press report that the company had booked 12 night...

/retail /wholesale

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Could there be a real rival to SWIFT?

Finding a SWIFT alternative always comes up in any discussion about messaging standards and the direction the finance industry is going. Most professional people in the know agree that SWIFT is a double-edged sword with both good and bad points. On balance the good has outweighed the bad but the gap is narrowing. SWIFT has had some outstanding ach...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

When is 0.1 percent 'Healthy'? - Bank Insults Again

You couldn’t make it up… Not content with insulting me over their loan offers recently (see previous blogs), my bank has now compounded the insult by mailshotting me with an offer to take out an instant access savings account, at the ‘healthy rate’ of 0.2% (which apparently includes a ‘bonus’ of 0.1%). This raises some interesting points: 1) ...

/retail Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Locks on Cards - And Not Before Time

The Handelsbanken announcement is most welcome. It's interesting how some ideas keep being revisited. I remember, a number of years ago, being involved in a feasibility study for a UK bank that wanted to do something similar. In the end, the technological challenges were too great at that time (and more important things pushed it down the prior...

/retail Online Banking

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

Justice department goes phishing

The US Department of Justice has taken a breather from chasing the bad guys to go phishing. According to the AP, the department sent out an e-mail to its own staff purporting to be from the "Thrift Savings Plan Account Coordinator" directing them to a Web site asking for account information. The more security conscious recipients smelled...

/security /retail

Kumar Jm

Kumar Jm Business Consultant at Indian Fortune 500

Corebanking Systems

a) Core Banking Introduction In a nutshell a core banking system is a centralized self contained system that shall have the benefits of performing multiple transaction activities coupled with scalability and performance sturdiness to name a few benefits. The market is currently dominated by more than 30 players who together offer about 50 pro...

/retail /wholesale

Atso Andersen

Atso Andersen Head of Corporate Relations at Aalto University

Social lending - back to the roots of banking

Is this crisis the end of social lending? Yes and no. Majority of the social lending services which have been shut down (Prosper and Zopa US, to name the famous ones) were actually more like traditional banks presenting themselves as new kind of financial institutions. Prosper was a bank with a core idea to securitize loans. Zopa US facilitated th...

/payments /retail

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Faster Payments?

The UK's Faster Payments service has taken a critical panning from the BBC. The Corporation's MoneyBox programme claims the system is in "disarray", as banks implement the technology in a disjointed patchwork fashion. Northern Rock, Citibank and Abbey have not started to make same-day payments. The Association for Payments and Clearing ...

/payments /retail

Richard Barr

Richard Barr Principal Associate at Citadel Advantage Ltd.

When does STP cost more than it saves?

We hardly ever question the benefits of STP. And for the most part, STP is really a smart move. It saves on errors, manpower, time and increases profits. What's there not to like about it? Well, you already know that's a trick question on my part because I'm going to answer it myself. STP can become a liability rather than an asset when we become t...

/payments /retail

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