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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What does a paltry 500 million pounds in fraud really cost?

I wonder if anyone has worked out the real cost of continuing fraud, even just in the U.K. I realise that in the great totality of transactions that around £500 million isn't thought of as being all that dramatic, but is there erosion of consumer trust and does it have a cost? If the primary reason people bank is to keep their money safe, then i...

/regulation /retail Whatever...

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Blogging from the Sifma TMC floor

White-badged visitors wander the rabbit warren of interconnected halls linked by escalators and corridors. From their designated areas, eagle-eyed sales people call out people’s names from their name badges as they walk past, fishing for leads. Casually dressed technologists (and probably the odd student) stop at each stand harvesting trade show ta...

/regulation Information Security

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Dumb and Dumber?

I notice a lot of attention in the blogosphere to this article on how the Internet (Google in particular) is turning humanity into a mass of 'thoughtless' nerds with a poor attention span and limited ability to assimiliate useful knowledge. You can read the article here - The author's (Nicholas Carr) tho...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Dollar has been good - 5.75 percent over 214 yrs?

Investments in US dollars appear to be paying off for those who put away a dollar coin or even a cent or two from 1794. The HA Long Beach coin auctions this week showed a return of 5.75% per annum on a 1794 US$1 coin which sold for $161,000 (inc. buyer's premium). At $632,500 each, both the 1793 and 1794 large 1 cent did even better recently (50 ...

/regulation Whatever...

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

ID Theft - After-shock review

The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), a non-profit organisation involved in the fight against ID theft, has released the 2007 'ID Theft Aftermath' report. This report outlines the 'human' side of ID theft - what effect does ID theft have on victims and their responses and feelings. The report covers victims in the US and hence represents the ...

/security /regulation

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

Web 2.0 Banking Authentication

Web 2.0 and banking seems like an interesting mix. This article ( actually mentions several loosely coupled items related to this: Providing online banking services through widgets in web 2.0 sites such as Facebook, Myspace and others.Integrating web 2.0 functionalities such as wikis and blogs into ...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Risks in the global payments and settlement systems.

There are some lovely little new systems which have well and truly taken that into account. In fact it has to be the foundation of any architecture. Robust, proven '5 nines' technology and equipment and decentralised. At the end ot the day...when you settle - so long as you can. So long as you can see what your exposure is you're ok. Of course it...

/regulation Information Security

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Password sharing in the National Health Service

Full story available at Investigators have been unable to trace a doctor involved a medical blunder that ended in a patient's death because staff in a Devon hospital had been sharing passwords. The doctor whose password was being used w...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

Christmas Comes Early This Year

Dear online fraudsters, I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Christmas comes early this year: on May 27th the UK banking industry launched the much anticipated Faster Payment scheme, in which inter-bank money transfers are instantaneous. Let me actually re-phrase: that's great news for you. I bet you're all excited abo...

/security /regulation Online Banking

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Fear Index!

I came across a new Index of Fear - the Unisys Security Index. See here - This security index outlines the 'fear levels' of various countries on four areas of security: National security - security and epidemics Financial security - bankcard fraud and ability to meet personal financial obligations Internet secu...

/security /regulation

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