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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Bank shareholders booking preference seats in the lifeboat

It's understandable that shareholders of banks are upset with the terms of the government lifeboat. The payment of dividends to shareholders is a prime reason for investment and in many cases the dividends form a vital part of pension's provisions. However, the tax payer is the innocent party in the financial crisis and the debacle of the banks ab...

/payments /regulation EBAday

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Wire tapping on the internet

The move towards Internet telephony seems to suggest a new line of security issues. Given the extensive use of Skype and other internet telephony tools, due to their inherent economical costs, it is but natural to ponder on how vulnerable are these channels. Wire tapping or eavesdropping into conversations has always been a human and government fa...

/security /regulation

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Excel is like a chainsaw

Excel is a powerful tool. Like a chainsaw, in the hands of a skilled operator it is hugely effective – but in untrained or rushed hands and without the proper safety equipment it can be positively dangerous. This latest story of spreadsheet mayhem is just another illustration of the power to get it wrong. Microsoft themselves understand that for s...

/regulation /wholesale Operational Risk Management

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

FSA cracks down on City bonuses

The Financial Services Authority, in its latest missive to bank CEOs, says it has no wish to become involved in setting bank remuneration levels. Yet, despite these assurances, the regulator has made it patently clear that the bonus-driven excesses of the past will no longer be tolerated. "There is widespread concern that inappropriate remune...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are counterparties exactly who you think they are?

The past week’s financial pages have been full of stories related to counter party risk. It has been reported that following Lehman’s bankruptcy recoveries for unsecured creditors might be as low as 11 cents on the dollar, whilst meetings have taken place to address the ‘netting out’ of offsetting positions that Lehman held with numerous counter ...


Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

Lip Service

A key element in the development of any tangible product is the risk analysis that is (or should be) included in the design stage. If I build this object/product as specified, how safe is it going to be? Will it harm my customers? Does it open me up to legal actions? Does it comply with local (and international) consumer and environmental regulati...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

The financial crisis - like a bad movie

It is absolutely frightening, watching how the rumours and the panic spreads. It's really scary following the daily press and being jolted into reality each morning by the blazing headlines as the tide of fear moves from country to country - Ireland, Germany, Italy, Iceland ..... And the names of the banks that are now involved! Where and who next...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

New Risks for Banks

For years the market has prided itself on its ability to measure and manage a number of risks that are inherent within financial markets. Counterparty Risks, Operational Risks and those risks based on price movements have had countless amounts of attention and all have had a number of systems developed to assist in risk management. Today the world...

/regulation SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Uncertainty Principle - Physics and Finance

In 1927, Heisenberg putforth uncertainty principle to the world of quantum physics. It stated that, more precisely the position is determined, less precisely momentum could be determined. The uncertainty principle was in the context of subatomic particles. Mathematically, the principle states that the product of error (Root Mean Square in dev...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Whoops there goes another .....

Those of a certain age will recognise those words as the chorus to an awful song about disappearing rubber plants; don't ask. But, what on earth is happening in the financial community, whoops there goes another bank; has there ever been a precedent? I suspect not, we've seen individual banks go the wall before but I don't recall so many having th...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

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