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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What can we learn from previous financial crises?

The recent turbulent events are clearly set to have long-lasting consequences on the global economy. But is there something we can all learn from past financial crises to determine if there is a tried and tested path for recovery? Norway, Finland and Sweden all experienced serious economic downturns in the late 1980s and early 1990s followed by a s...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Credit or Media, the recession root

I am looking forward to the UK government disposing of its bank holdings at the right time and paying off the national debt. However the root of recession lies not in the poor credit practices that have led to a needed bank correction, but in the obsessive media coverage that has curtailed consumer spending. Interestingly even in Brazil where GDP ...


Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

New products - watch your operational risk management

As a committed operational risk professional, I cannot help but stare in amazement amidst all the financial ruin and desolation that surrounds us. The hand wringing and the weeping about credit risk, liquidity problems, lack of trust and the like are all smoke. And this smoke conceals the true cause, in my view, of all the current problems. It al...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Data Integration a way towards consolidation and reduction

At the FIMA conference this week in London, where I was speaking and chairing an afternoon session, the issue of Data Integration was debated, pulled apart and assessed by a whole range of expert people representing all links in the industry data chain. After two arduous days the results were disappointing. Everyone agrees that there is a ‘mass' o...

/regulation Data Management 101

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile Money, the forecasted next big thing

Every professional with the vision of mobilizing money has been focused on mobile financial services for years. It abvious that plastic cards and mobile handsets are going to converge by the deliver of near field technology. But, how are we sure about that? Consider superseding from cash to credit cards and think about what give the convinience us...


Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Swiftcommunity infiltrated by fraudster

One hopes that vetting procedures for accessing Swift's secure SwiftNet network are much stricter than those for its online community forums at It seems that a Nigerian 419 fraudster was able to register, get a username and password, and send the usual "investment opportunity" email using the internal message system. E...

/security /regulation Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What may come out of G20 meeting and why?

What is likely to happen at the November 15th G20 meeting and why? Although it was not Nicolas Sarkozy but a group of 11 Commonwealth countries who floated the idea in June 2008, the French President called in October for a global summit to “rebuild regulated capitalism”. The speed at which the meeting was decided and is being organised is stunnin...


Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Facebook Fraud

Is there anyone out there in either the real or cyber world that is in the least surprised by this article? For me the only surprise is that it's taken the fraudsters so long to latch onto Facebook. Equally I'm fascinated to know whether there are masterclasses held in Nigeria for fraudsters. Only a few weeks ago I received a mail from Nigeria tel...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are You Funding Terrorism When You Use That Card?

It is a fair question. Most fraud is card based, law enforcement claims money from fraud goes to fund terrorism (and drug, etc). Customers have to wonder at the real price of the billions of dollars in fraud. Are you inadvertently giving money to terrorists when you participate in card networks? How much of card-holders money gets to fund terrori...

/regulation Whatever...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

It is not the risks we know that should worry us

There have been countless risk conferences and countless hours spent by risk managers over the years on the importance of understanding and mitigating risks in the markets. The sad fact is that recent events prove we know very little about risks in today's financial services and the system solutions that we all thought were providing some means of...

/security /regulation Data Management 101

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