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4231 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Identity Theft Is Really No Big Deal. Idiot.

I make a portion of my living talking about identity theft. Admittedly, I profit from the crime. I don’t steal identities of course, but I get paid because others steal. I’m not FBI, CIA, Secret Service or a cop. But you wouldn’t disparage any of those entities for doing their jobs to protect you from bad guys. I talk about this issue all day, eve...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How to Prevent Phishing Scams

Recent reports abound of consumers email account being phished and American and Egyptian authorities arresting dozens of people in an online fraud crackdown for phishing scams. Its time to revisit the fundamentals of how to prevent phishing. Nobody can do this better than the Anti Phishing Work Group Phishing Defined Phishing is a criminal mech...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

John Thain pretends not to understand structured credit

Really, John, ABS CDO's and CDO's squared were so complex that noone had any hope of understanding them ? and this is proven, in that modeling them on "one of the fastest computers in the world" took three hours ? Please leave the boardroom hyperbole for your next $10,000 wastebasket job, sir. Did Merrills really own a IBM BlueGene, a Cr...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Operation Phish Phry Nabs 100 Identity Thieves

US and Egyptian officials have charged 100 people with orchestrating a phishing scam that robbed a$1.5m from Bank of America and Wells Fargo customers. 53 criminals from CA, NV and NC were named in an indictment. This is the largest ever charged in a cybercrime case. Officials in Egypt nabbed another 47 people. Egyptian criminals phished account nu...

/security /regulation

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Regulators don't understand? - pull the other one

"Speaking at a WFE conference in Vancouver, Federation chairman William Brodsky, said: "We've allowed the technology and the evolution of these markets to run way ahead of the regulators' ability to understand them." Hmmmmmm... First off let's just remind ourselves that 'dark pools' have been around for a while - what is new is that ...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Up to 1 Million email Accounts Phished for Identity Theft

Hotmail, Earthlink, Google, Yahoo, Comcast and other web-based email users have been giving up al their login details to phishers and current estimates are as many as 1 million accounts may have been compromised. News of the scam broke when technology blog reported an anonymous user had published confidential details on Int...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

I Want to Punch Passwords in The Face

Passwords and forms harass and mock me every day of my life. Everywhere I go there is a big burly bouncer who is the password gatekeeper and he needs a beating. He won’t let me in or by the velvet ropes unless I know the secret code. Most of the time I know what he wants, but because I have so many passwords to remember (last count is 456, but les...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Preventing online fraud

Today’s figures from Financial Fraud Action UK are both good news and bad news for UK banks and consumers. The fact that card fraud losses have dropped 23 percent recognises the work that the banking industry in the UK has done to introduce tools such as real time monitoring and blocking of transactions, EMV, or authentication products such as CA...

/payments /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Obama; Cybersecurity and ID Theft Protection Starts at Home

Whether you realize it or not one of the biggest threats to your personal security is your computer. And the Obama administration is bringing to light the fact that they believe, and you should too, that one of the biggest security threats to national security is also your computer. The message is “Think before you click. Know who’s on the other s...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Getting a firmer grip on sanctions filtering

Some indicators suggest that overall bank payment volumes are falling. However, the big banks have continued to see their volumes increase. Some of course have seen massive growth as a result of the mega mergers over the last twelve months. This increase in volumes isn’t going to make it easier to comply with sanctions regulations and some UK bank...

/payments /regulation

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