4231 Results from /regulation
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Years ago (like 20) a friend was graduating from college and moving away and a bunch of friends were throwing a party for this person. Collectively they asked me if I’d write a small speech as a version of “This is your life”. Stymied as to why they would ask me to do it I asked ”Why me?” My girlfriend at the time said, and I quote “Because you g...
12 November 2009 /security /regulation
Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire
The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Rural Payments Agency’s Single Payment Scheme uses a £350 million IT system to pay farmers the right amount in EU subsidies. But the National Audit Office said in a recent report that the agency’s systems are "very expensive", "cumbersome", "difficult to change t...
10 November 2009 /payments /regulation Whatever...
Earlier this week, an IT employee was indicted for stealing the identities of 150 of his coworkers at Bank of New York Mellon, to the tune of 1.1 million bucks. He bilked almost $140,000 a year over an eight year period by compromising the online bank accounts of numerous employees and wiring money to fraudulent accounts outside the bank. This is...
09 November 2009 /security /regulation
Cedric Pariente Stanford Certified Project Manager at EFFI Consultants
Others can't resist gambling, drinking, smoking... There are plenty of vices on earth. But I think gambling is the most vicious. Not necessarily the most dangerous for health, but definitely the most vicious. Simply because it can easily change the way you think. The worst thing that can happen to you is to win!!! If you win the first time, gamblin...
07 November 2009 /regulation Transaction Banking
Congress is still considering the Informed P2P User Act, a law that would supposedly make it safer to use peer-to-peer file sharing software, an effort that is similar to banning mosquitoes from sucking blood. It just isn’t happening. The only foolproof way to prevent accidental data leaks via file sharing programs is for IT administrators to lock...
05 November 2009 /security /regulation
For the past year, I’ve been screaming about the trouble with social media as it relates to identity theft, brand hijacking, privacy issues, and the opportunity social media creates for criminals to “friend” their potential victims in order to create a false sense of trust and use that against their victims in phishing or other scams. I predicted ...
04 November 2009 /security /regulation
Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional
There are so many watch lists maintained across the world. The FATF maintains one, FINCEN, and so does Interpol. Reportedly the FBI keeps getting 1600 new 'suggestions' everyday for its list! See here http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/31/AR2009103102141.html?hpid=moreheadlines We need a comparable list of Internet fraudst...
01 November 2009 /security /regulation
Stephen Wilson Managing Director at Lockstep Consulting
OMG. Eugene Kaspersky wants an Internet Passport because he says "anonymity causes security headaches and should be outlawed". This is madness. The social repurcussions are surely obvious, while it's not clear what problem it might solve. Most cybercrime is actually linked to an excess of arbitrary identification, with inadequate safe...
28 October 2009 /security /regulation Online Banking
The National Foundation for Credit Counselors, which sponsors Protect Your Identity Week, has compiled a number of identity theft myths. To support their efforts, the Santa Fe Group Vendor Council Awareness and Education Subcommittee has helped to clarify some common misinformation with regards to this increasingly common crime. Myth #1: There’s n...
26 October 2009 /security /regulation
Retired Member
Last week saw the largest ever gathering of QIs, NQIs, Auditors, US Withholding Agents and solutions vendors since 2001 when the US withholding tax regulations - 1441 NRA came into force. 100 attendees discussed the impact of US tax regulations for two days. The US Joint Congressional Committee on Tax (JCT) indicated prior to the conference that ...
26 October 2009 /regulation /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
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