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4163 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Copy Machines Can Store Your Private Info

Today, copy machines, fax machines and many printers are just like computers; they’re smart and they have hard drives or flash drives and can store data that can be extracted. Peripherals in the olden days, just like when dot-com was a significant part of a person’s stock portfolio, were dumb. Because of the increased demand of networked technolog...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

She Said WHAT? On Facebook?

I don’t know about you, but high school was a nightmare for me. I spent a lot of my time in the assistant principal’s office for fighting. My taste for GQ style clothing along with slicked back greasy hair made me a target. My forked tongue didn’t help me any either. Not much has changed. In Melrose, Massachusetts a woman was run down by a pack o...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Visa and Wells' alerts: networking for safety and trust

The power of the alerts announcement from Visa and Wells is all about the 'network effect', that label for networks gaining in import as they gain in size and diversity of content. When EBay acquired PayPal, what was overlooked by observers is the network effect of the underlying fraud-analytics and commerce databases, working in tande...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

AML Software Market Growth

Banking software has been around forever of course, so perhaps you might not find the topic that "sexy", but you may want to take another look at this industry that grows and changes as fast as any market sector out there. I got my start in Financial Services Software while I was working at JPMorgan Chase in the early nineties. I started...

/payments /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Bridal Scam Shows How Vulnerable We Are

There are few more nuttier earthlings than the Bridezillas. Lovely women who go bonkers within 365 days of a wedding date. I blame the whole thing on Walt Disney. The groom to-be generally wants it over as soon as possible more so because he can’t believe how much it costs. Then the entire wedding industry preys upon the delirious couple and suck...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sanctions screening, tackling the regulatory minefield

Increasing criminal and terrorist activity, combined with a highly regulated environment, is evidence that financial crime is a persistent, global problem. In banking, a similar story is playing out with sanctioned entities still using banks to illegally transfer money from A to B. Without a doubt, regulation has made a positive impact in the prev...

/payments /regulation

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

What is your digital persona?

At the Digital Money Forum last week, Kosta Peric of Swift mentioned a project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where they seek to critique data mining techniques to see how the web 'sees' you. The results are interesting, and odd. Even though I'm a journalist, you could say my name appears fairly often online, the large amounts of g...

/security /regulation Data Management 101

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Social Media Security in a Corporate Setting

The load isn’t getting any lighter for the IT manager. While corporations are still trying to figure out the long term marketing benefits of social media, the security issues faced are a right now a problem. Many companies restrict internal access. Others prevent employees from discussing or mentioning the company in social media during private t...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Biggest Botnet Goes Bust

News of the Spain based Mariposa botnet reveals close to 13 million Zombie PCs in more than 190 countries affected. Further investigation determined half of the Fortune 1000 companies had PCs on the Bot. Three men have been arrested and a 4th is sought. The sole purpose of the Bot was to gather user names and passwords for banks and email service...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

33,823 percent of Assets Off Balance Sheet.

Goldman Sachs held derivatives that totaled 25,284 percent of assets in 2008 and 33,823 percent as of June 2009 (source: FDIC SDI database). Why do these big numbers matter? They represent a form of dept that is invisible to the public, being held off balance sheet. Colin Henderson on the Bankwatch Blog seems has a real knack for turning informati...

/regulation /wholesale

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