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4169 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Green Shoots of Finovation

Within the US$1+ trillion global professional services industry, the finance sector has recently looked susceptible to a growing chorus of start-ups looking to strategically rethink finance’s core business models and value propositions. Internet entrepreneurs over the past few years have embarked on a journey to challenge financial services g...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Case for QARP

A curious client recently asked – “Couldn’t financial modeling risk be diminished by introducing a Quality Assurance Review Panel (“QARP”)?” It was a simple, pragmatic question that left me momentarily perplexed. I then enthusiastically responded “I’ll look into it – it could have legs”. And so I researched further. A threshold question is the pr...

/regulation /retail Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Microsoft Excel - Why numbers make the world go round

A recent list of the World's Top Tools for Learning is a stark reminder of how rapidly the educational ecosystem has moved beyond the traditional classroom. Most young professionals seem to have readily embraced the ability to learn quickly and interactively, formally and informally, in a real-time environment that was utterly unimaginable only a ...

/regulation Finance 2.0

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Medical Temp Arrested For Identity Theft

You’ve probably heard the phrase “a fox watching the henhouse.” Today, that applies to people on the inside of organizations who work in trusted positions, and who use those positions to steal client or employee information for their own personal gain. As much as 70% of all identity theft is committed by individuals with inside access to organizati...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The best things in life aren't always free

I hear that some dealers are suggesting that they will not become members of CCPs which are not deemed to be robust. This brings some interesting questions to the table. A good start is that dealers have long traded OTC derivatives with non-robust counterparties so why are they concerned now? They took in good collateral, good margin and risk cove...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Know your assay from your elbow...

Gold is heading north again this morning. As the dollar weakens and there is a flight to safe-haven “hard” assets, gold has broken through the USD 1,700/oz barrier and continues to rise. Last week precious metals ETFs saw major capital inflows with the biggest – the SPDR Gold Trust – attracting $1.2 bn last week (and $3.7 of inflows over the las...

/regulation /wholesale

Gaurav Handa

Gaurav Handa Director Marketing at Oracle Financial Services

European Banks Prepare for Possible Basel III Redux

It has been said, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” and as recent events have demonstrated, many European banks held too little loss-absorbing capital to allow for the risks being run not only in extreme adverse conditions, but in some of the more vanilla activities, as well. The Irish mortgage market is a prime examp...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Lack of US innovation costing Billions in preventable fraud

The US is enamored with outdated and costly modality that is costing Billions in lost revenue and fraud. While many argue the business case for moving to technology like EMV or NFC is hard to justify, the reality is it is incredibly simple to justify based simply on mathematics around today’s massive cost of fraud. The same goes for those that say...

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

llegal Alien Steals Identity, Becomes Cop

In a story that could have come right out of a movie, a widely respected police officer turned out to be a Mexican national who stole an American identity and moved to Alaska to become a cop. I’ll bet Sarah Palin didn’t see this one coming. Fox News reports that the identity thief had been employed as an Anchorage police officer using his assumed ...

/security /regulation

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

The 10 Commandments of Social Media

Finextra has written before about social media guidlines issued by US regulatory body, Finra - and all its scary Tweet-retention rules. Allen Schoenberg of the CME (@allanschoenberg) re-Tweeted an interesting slide show from Glen Gilmore, adjunct professor of digital marketing & social media law called 'Finra's 10 Commandments of Social Media...

/regulation /wholesale Social Banks

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