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4170 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Optimising Fund Pricing Operations

With reference to the ‘Unlocking Transformational Efficiency in Fund Operations’ posting on the Tabb Forum, Unit Pricing is a prime example of a function firms should invest in for continuous improvement. Conflicting business drivers of cost reduction and seamless capacity for growth have initiated a ‘back to core’ focus amongst many firms. Incre...

/regulation /sibos Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Risks in reducing the settlement cycle

There is much talk about reducing the settlement cycle to T+2 on both sides of the Atlantic and its shaping up that markets will move to T+2 sometime soon in the future. Much of the motivation comes from the need to reduce counterparty risk. This really is the risk flavour of the month and appears to be driving the regulatory push with alm...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Energy Trading Risk management

Albedo energy consulting launches comprehensive energy trading and risk management software, which runs on any windows platform, consumes less than 700KB of storage and requires no implementation and available as desktop/web/mobile application. 1) ALBITS: Energy trading & Portfolio optimization software. 2) QUANTHEDGE: Energy & Forex

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

Self-service portals: The next logical step for compliance?

We are currently experiencing an unprecedented series of new regulations, each of which will require the collection of new client/entity data and support documentation to achieve full compliance. The problem is that each of these regulations will dictate the collection of new pieces of data – some looking for Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) or US...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Devil in Dodd-Frank's Details

If any publicity is good publicity, the Dodd-Frank Act got a healthy shot in the arm from the two candidates for U.S. president during their first debate on Wednesday, with each contender discussing financial regulation at length. “You have to have regulation, and there are some parts of Dodd-Frank that make all the sense in the world,” former Mas...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Trade repository reporting

Part 5 In order to monitor systemic risks as near to real-time as possible regulators have introduced the requirement for market participants to report all OTC derivatives trading activity to swap data repositories (SDR).The aim is to boost transparency and surveillance capability. The idea is strikingly elegant, yet fraught with complexity when i...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Europe Takes Control of High-Speed Trading

The European Parliament’s financial committee decided last week to rein in the velocity of high-frequency trading. The Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee’s unanimous vote paves the way for a half-second speed limit on those using computers to execute lightning-fast stock deals. “All market players and trading venue operators would be required ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

OTC clearing and its impact on collateral management

Part 4 Authors: Kersten Martin Meyer and Tom Riesack Collateral: banks, broker-dealers, funds and clearinghouses all need it more than ever. Collateralisation of bilateral as well as cleared OTC trades is essential to ensure a functioning and stable financial market that is able to absorb potential shocks of Lehman-esque dimensions. Upcoming regul...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Make it Stop: Outages Out of Control

Each week seems to be worse than the last in terms of outages that are affecting leading B2C brands. Whether it's the banking industry, web service providers or retailers, the severity and impact of being off-line is earning C-level attention, and not in a good way. IT continues to talk about disaster recovery or application and infrastructure re...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Extraterritoriality: try saying it quickly, three times over

After almost two years since the Dodd-Frank Act (DFA) was put on the statute books, the first swap-related articles finally take effect on 12th October this year. Now everyone can be assured they are trading, clearing and reporting under a common set of rules, right? Not so. While DFA requires market participants to report OTC trades to Swap Data ...


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