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4139 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SMP checks in the balance

Self-match prevention (SMP) is offered by many exchanges – CME, ICE, Turquoise and BATS among them – and by the more advanced order management systems. In most cases, employing an SMP check is voluntary for trading firms; that is important because not every prevented self-match is also a prevented (illegal) wash trade. Some regulatory jurisdic...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Regulatory Compliance and Customer Centricity: Can Banks Address Both?

When it comes to client lifecycle management (CLM), including sales, onboarding, global KYC, credit through to fulfillment, offboarding and servicing, banks and their corporate clients agree: The experience has to improve. In a recent Finextra survey about corporate banking customer satisfaction, 90% of big corporate banking clients said they woul...

/regulation /sibos

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

The SEC’s ATS Transparency Rules: What’s the Impact?

The SEC’s new proposed rules on transparency in alternative trading systems are going to shine a light on the operations of dark pools, ensuring fair access to information for all market participants. The SEC’s proposed rule on Regulation of NMS Alternative Trading Systems would formally create a disclosure regime along with a new form Reg ATS-N an...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Top factors driving a revolution in third party risk management

Third party risk management is making headlines and for some very good reasons. Why? Structural factors are forcing a complete rethink of current practices. Financial institutions and third parties are each facing their own challenges as third party risk management receives greater focus than ever before. Factor #1: RELIANCE There is an increase...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How payment regulations are driving innovation in the UK

The PSD2 (Payments Services Directive 2) and Open API (application programming interface) standards in banking will come into force in the UK (and the wider EU) within two years. The UK Government is backing these initiatives with the aim to provide consumers with more secure, less expensive and easy-to-use financial services. These developments w...

/payments /regulation

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


This week I read a research paper ; endorsed by Mark Spanbroek acting chairman of FIA . The paper states that the order cancellation ratios of !non HFT firms are "almost identical " to HFT firms . It states that as most trading is now "fast" , HFT orders are correct and its cancellation rate non harming either to liquidity o...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Blockchain and The Seven Principles of Digital Identity

Let's Get Back to Productive Work: The recent and very public departure of Mike Hearn from Bitcoin has temporarily distracted the broader Blockchain community from the three problems that the Fintech community is trying to solve. These are: What are the principles that govern the alleviation of distrust among partially rational actors with competi...

/security /regulation

Ben O'Brien

Ben O'Brien Managing Director at Jaywing

The IFRS 9 deadline is closer than you think...

As we enter 2016, the IFRS 9 deadline draws even closer, and the countdown is putting pressure on firms who need to comply with the new requirements. In less than two years, on January 1st 2018, IFRS 9 will take effect. Although the deadline isn’t until 1 January 2018, the reality is that the changes need to be in place at least a year before in or...

/regulation /retail

Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

And the MiFID II award for early guidance goes to...

Amidst the on-going rumblings about delays to MiFID II, and the budget and planning uncertainty this has created, it’s good to see that market participants continue to press on with implementation. MiFID II includes many new obligations for venues and, for investment firms, knowing what the exchanges will do fills a significant piece of the puzzle...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

FX Liquidity and Technology: An Ecosystem in Flux

Change is accelerating in the electronic foreign exchange markets. With the fixing scandal and the currency rigging cases resulting in multi-billion dollar bank fines, investors are choosing a mix of liquidity providers or venues in an FX ecosystem that has become more complex. As transparency and compliance become top of mind, buy-side participan...


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