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4139 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Brexit good for UK FinTech

Behind closed doors in a small office, off an nondescript corridor, in a rather large building on Rue Wiertz in Brussels, Belgium a hushed conversation took place last month. Shortly afterwards a piece of European Parliament legislation was quietly shelved. It carried the rather dull title of "Directive 2009/125/EC" and it was one of th...

/regulation /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

KYC utilities offer a refreshing approach for APAC

I recently had the privilege of participating in roundtables hosted by Deutsche Bank and HSBC in Singapore and Hong Kong. Other local banks and corporates also attended to discuss some of the challenges and regional issues they face around KYC. One of the interesting topics debated – KYC isn’t a top priority in Asia. Or is it? Depends on who you as...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Triparty OTC Collateral: The Paradox?

Introduction For the purpose of argument I’ll take paradox to be defined as: “A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth”, or “An opinion or statement contrary to commonly accepted opinion” …and not “a self-contradictory and false proposition” (insert smiley winky emogi here- Ed). Th...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

FCA Market Abuse Regulation: Are you ready?

Starting 3 July 2016 the FCA’s Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) controls for asset managers come into practice. MAR aims to increase integrity and investor protection while creating a level playing field across the EU. With the goal of preventing insider dealing and market manipulations, it is imperative to find an investment management system that w...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

You have the data: Now take control of business

We all know the age-old saying: “Knowledge is power.” It’s still true, perhaps more now than ever. I’ve noticed that the more data regulatory bodies require us to create and archive, the more access we have to new information about business, clients and assets. It’s time to make use of this vast repository of data to create a seismic shift in the ...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

FATCA remediation: are you buried in an avalanche?

Procrastination is easy when the task at hand appears too difficult to tackle. A number of US financial institutions (USFIs) and foreign financial institutions (FFIs) have viewed FATCA’s preexisting account due diligence requirements with multiple client solicitations and endless validations appearing as challenging as climbing Mt. Everest during...


Steve Wilcockson

Steve Wilcockson Product Marketing at Quantexa

Can we fix Risk Management? Yes, we can.

Since 2009, banks have been scrutinized microscopically about their resilience to a wide range of risks. This is hardly surprising, given the post-Global Financial Crisis (GFC) realization of interconnectedness between systemic risk and the financial services industry, particularly so-called globally Systemically Important Financial Institutions (...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Blockchain apps and the need for remediation

In the recent story on Finextra Swift confirms multiple cases of fraudulent message traffic, attackers compromised back end computers and other devices to authenticate and initiate transactions. In a blockchain based architecture, this is a salient example of why trusted intermediaries and transaction reversal / fraud remediation process are very ...

/regulation /startups

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Brexit made simple

Don't worry I'm not going to berate you to leave or stay. I'm more interested in how politicians have positioned the issues for us to discuss and the confusion they have caused. What I've tried to do is simplify the arguments. To me Brexit is about three things: Trade Immigration Political Union Of these I think that political union is the mor...

/regulation /inclusion Trends in Financial Services

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Beware the financial crime bite of the back book

When people start looking for solutions to financial crime, regulation and compliance there is a natural tendency to start with new customers, known as the ‘front book’. These new customers already expect to have to go through some onboarding processes, and are typically coming in at a manageable volume. They seem to offer a natural starting poi...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

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