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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cybercrime is flourishing: Time for action

It is very clear from the figures released by the various fraud prevention agencies that there is a dramatic increase in cybercrime and real-time fraud. Should the losses continue to persist at the current growth rate, the financial services industry is in for torrid times! Ultimately, it is the attitudes around fraud that need to change. The inst...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Demonstrating Compliance of Investor Protection

MiFID II has a number of amendments pertaining to investor protection. Firms must act honestly, fairly, and professionally in accordance with the best interests of its clients and put their customers’ interests at the centre of their corporate culture. Therefore, firms must: Understand their clients investing criteria in order to make suitable rec...

/regulation MiFID

Larry Plonsker

Larry Plonsker Partner/Member at Patent Marketing LLC

Distributed vs Centralized Chain Control

DISTRIBUTED VS. CENTRALIZED CHAIN CONTROL Kelce S. Wilson, PhD, MBA, J.D. and Larry Plonsker, PhD A common feature of many existing digital currency blockchain systems is the use of distributed chain growth. This results in decentralized, or distributed, growth of the blockchain. There is no single entity that is authorized, or depended upon, to ad...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2 explained in 3 simple gifs

Revised Payment Service Directive has been a hot topic among Fintech startups and banks. In particular there has been a lot of discussion around banks needing to open their APIs. But what does that mean? Will anybody be able to use bank’s infrastructure and or will they become a platform for those companies loosing their client facing business? Or...

/security /regulation

Ian Stone

Ian Stone CEO at Vuealta

Zero-based budgeting - a great idea, one step at a time

Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is a cost management approach adopted by many businesses, especially in the consumer goods sector. It allows companies to reduce unnecessary costs, increase profits, and maximise shareholder value. It’s no secret that ZBB is often associated with acquisitions or firms positioning themselves for a sale. As a result, it’s o...


Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Fintechs Need Marketers And Lobbyists, Not Lawyers

Like startups in any other industry, fintechs need to find a problem to solve, develop a solution, package it in such a way that it provides a compelling reason to use, and thereby gain mainstream adoption. SQUARE and PayZapp are two fintechs that have a good job of this for reasons I’ve covered in my previous blog posts here and here. This requir...

/regulation /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Stop Using Compliance As An Excuse For Slow Technology Adoption!

Compliance has been a dirty word in financial services for several years now. But lately the regulatory burden seems to be driving many in the industry into the realms of nervous breakdown, with 87% of global banking CEOs citing over-regulation as an outright threat to growth. (PWC’s 19th Annual Global CEO Survey: Banking and Capital Markets). The...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mexico blues

Back from a couple of weeks in Mexico where it seemed the whole world was going steadily insane (or maybe that was just the tequila). Anyways, it was reassuring to start the week with another "wow is that what they really meant?" moment whilst gorging on the never-ending box set known as MiFID 2. This time it's about the obligations on b...


Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Analytics is the oxygen that energizes new banks to scale new heights of modernization

Large, global banks process billions of transactions across service offerings to a plethora of customers across demographics, daily. In order to sustain effective operations, they must adopt cutting-edge analytics that churn the petabytes of rich information into valuable insights. As of today, most global banks are processing these petabytes of t...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Apply intelligence where it is needed the most

In my previous blog, we talked about letting the CAT out of the bag in order to make risk management more effective. The 'T' we talked about previously was 'transactions,' the other two being 'customers' and 'accounts.' With the increasing number of channels of monetary transfers - both bank-regulated as well unregulated, anonymous ones, such as B...

/regulation Banking Architecture

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