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4138 Results from /regulation

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain: Playing in the regulatory sandbox

A new - but important - chapter can be added to the blockchain story. The World Federation of Exchanges , the WFE, recently urgently called for the creation of regulatory sandboxes for distributed ledger technology. This should help industry efforts "to explore and understand the impact of blockchain-based services in the capital markets"...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are Regulators Greasing the Wheels of Innovation?

Regulatory Sandboxes and More Generally regulators and regulations are viewed as things that stifle creativity. In recent years though, regulators in certain jurisdictions have begun to take a different approach to that creativity in the financial services sector. Rather than fighting the tide of start-ups and disruptive financial technology, reg...


Retired Member

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Does archiving increase risk?

MiFID II is putting archiving under the spotlight again as firms come to grips with being able to promptly recreate trades including all conversations, even if the transaction didn’t happen. Archiving today has matured past the demands of email storage as organisations embrace unified communication technology, social media and other messaging too...

/regulation MiFID

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EU Benchmarks Regulation: Benchmarks Continuity and Market Protection through Article 23

“…necessary to include a power for the relevant competent authority to require mandatory contributions from supervised entities to critical benchmarks in order to preserve the credibility of the benchmark in question.” The systemic importance of financial benchmarks in the global financial structures cannot be emphasised enough. Considered as criti...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

871m: Making tax a front office issue?

The focus of the front office is all about executing trades and generating return. Since when have traders had to focus on tax? That task has always been bestowed on the back office but things are about to change. Enter in 871(m). The new regulation will establish up to a 30% withholding tax on foreign investors on dividend-equivalent payments und...

/regulation /sibos

Paul Miserez

Paul Miserez Standards Department at SWIFT

The financial industry's landscape and roadmaps

At the occasion of the 2016 Standards Forum to be held from 26 to 29 September in Geneva, I interviewed a number of SWIFT standards experts about the content of this year's programme. As each of the four days will focus on a specific theme, my four blog posts will offer readers a sneak-preview of what people can expect to hear about. Day 1: Lan...

/payments /regulation Standards Forum

Retired Member

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Agile and testing: What banks need to know

Agile — a testing framework introduced in 2001 — is now being used across various banks in order to cater to their IT project needs. The basic principles of the agile methodology are as follows: Rapid and effective response to change Customer collaboration on a frequent and regular basis Fewer processes and tools, but more interactions Less docume...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Agile and testing: What banks need to know

Agile — a testing framework introduced in 2001 — is now being used across various banks in order to cater to their IT project needs. The basic principles of the agile methodology are as follows: Rapid and effective response to change Customer collaboration on a frequent and regular basis Fewer processes and tools, but more interactions Less docume...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Technology can turn the burden of regulation and red tape into a tool for good management

Regulators' increased focus on consumer transactions has pushed compliance and risk management to the heart of the financial sector, and many organisations are struggling under the administrative burden this imposes. Banks and insurers need to store vast amounts of data recording their transactions and this demand has filtered through to third-par...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Unintended consequences of regulation, knee-jerk or Grand Plan?

The accumulation of risk in the buyside and its impact on economic growth In this blog, I would like to set aside convention and start with a conclusion, which is as follows: “constraining any market’s ability to manage or mitigate risk means that there will be less economic growth. Where managing risk becomes too costly – whether that cost is jus...


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