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4138 Results from /regulation

Andrew Fear

Andrew Fear Advisor / Consultant at Independent

Banking and Risk - Artificial Intelligence is nothing new

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a discipline that has been revived. In the 1980s Artificial Intelligence and Expert systems were very fashionable and the British Computer Society had an Expert Systems Specialist Group run by the famous Alexander D'Agapeyeff. Other Scientists with great names doing pioneering work at this time included Robert Kowal...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Meeting the challenges of the new normal of Banking, with the trends for the new normal of IT

There are a number of key challenges that are facing the financial services industry, which present companies in this sector with a ‘burning platform’ with which can help to drive transformational change within their IT organisations. These challenges can be summarised as: The need to effectively respond to the increasing pressures of regulation ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2, CMA and OBWG - UK Open Banking today

Irrespective of Brexit the UK will be getting an interoperable and innovative implementation of PSD2 With the memory of summer fading fast it is worth taking stock of what has happened within UK open banking during that time. In the depths of the holidays we had the release of the CMA’s investigation into the retail banking market and the EBA’s ...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Challenge of Beneficial Ownership

Beneficial ownership recently came to the fore once again with two high profile leaks – mostly recently the Bahamas leaks which saw the exposé of the names of directors and shareholders of nearly 176,000 shell companies trusts and foundations, an event that was preceded five months previously by the Panama Papers leaks which saw 11.5 million docum...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The long and the short of it

MiFID II requires trading venues to store personally identifiable information (each potentially 50 characters long) relating to the traders, investment managers and clients of the orders they receive. While it might be very convenient for surveillance to have order book data married up with personal data, this requirement is not only an additiona...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

'Can I see clearly now?'

A word cloud of any speech by regulators or market structure pundits would feature the word "transparency" prominently. A common refrain: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" is universally supported in these discussions. When the conversation turns to regulation, however, the excuses start to fly. Most favor other people making...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Reasons for creating a payment business in Europe.

Maxim Ivanchenko, Canopus IT Director General, Advapay project founder In my opinion, there are at least 4 main reasons why it makes sense to create a payment business in Europe. Improved legislation; Capacity of the market; Significantly better investment climate; "Globalization". We place the last reason in quotation marks becaus...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Central Risk Books - the new black for capital markets

I first came across the term "central risk book" at an event in Rome a couple of weeks back. It seems like it's the banks’ answer to the dark pool caps that will be upon us in a little over a year. As of January 2018 banks won't be able to operate their own dark pools in their current form and it seems that the preferred option is to bec...


Said Tabet

Said Tabet Senior Technology Strategist, CTO Office at Dell EMC

Data and Reporting - a Financial Services Help or Hindrance?

The past few years have seen the financial services undergo a period of unprecedented change. While trying to keep up with the ever-changing demands of consumers, FS organisations are also facing a barrage of increasingly granular reporting requirements. Many are struggling to keep up – August saw G20 leaders issued a second warning that some jur...


Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

The ever-growing MiFID II shopping list

Amongst other things, MiFID II’s transparency reforms intend to clean up the quality of post-trade data and eradicate duplicate prints – long-suffered bugbears for investment firms. But in simply stating the rules, ESMA has left buy- and sell-sides puzzling over just how significant a change this is. A look at the cost benefit analysis the regula...


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