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4138 Results from /regulation

Keith Stanton

Keith Stanton International Product Manager (Fraud & Risk) at FIS

Once more unto the breach

Once again data breaches have made headlines globally, bringing significant negative publicity, impacting consumers who have had their data compromised and prompting the public to question just how safe their personal data is in the hands of others. I speak from personal experience here; in the last 10 years I have been notified of 5 separate data ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

First steps for financial services in cloud implementation

The financial services have always had a complex relationship with cloud computing. Faced with increased competition from fintech players, many retail banks for example, are looking to expand their consumer offering faster and more cost-efficiently, leading to quicker return on investment and competitive advantage. Cloud environments offer these o...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

EBA Strong Customer Authentication - The End of Frictionless Card Payments?

It seems that European payments regulation may be forcing the cards market to take a step backwards. We appear to be moving away from the frictionless online payment environment that so many of us use day to day, towards a much higher friction world where every transaction over €10 is actively issuer authenticated. This blog explores some of the i...

/payments /regulation

Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

The clock’s ticking on MiFID’s extra time

As we edge ever-closer to January 2018, the finer details of MiFID II are yet to fully surface, particularly with regard to RTS 22 and the rules around transaction reporting – undeniably one of the larger pieces of the new regulation. There is still much work to do when it comes to finalising the detailed requirements and the Level 2 RTS are stil...


Abhishek Chatterjee

Abhishek Chatterjee Managing Partner at Gartner Inc.

SIBOS 2016 - Protect customer, reduce risk and simplify core

Last year SIBOS was an inflection point for transaction bankers and FinTech, but this year in Geneva we saw a very measured response to key Industry challenges faced across the globe, starting from Cyber Security, Compliance to Robotic Advising, Industry Utilities, E2E Payment Traceability & interoperability and Blockchain. The opening Plenary...

/regulation /sibos Financial Services Regulation

Nanda Kumar

Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions

Sibos Lessons - Banking transformation too fast for most

Last week the multilingual Swiss of Geneva bid au revoir and aufedersein to nearly 10,000 bankers. The attendees of Sibos left knowing just how much technological change is facing the banking industry. These lessons are starting to be translated in banking boardrooms from Azerbaijan to Australia, Qatar to Quebec. Most boards will surely conclude t...

/regulation /sibos

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

Old habits die hard, which is why payment innovation can fail

Sport, business. Is there a similarity? Before you flick on to the next article, this isn’t about positive mental attitude and a testosterone fuelled winner’s mentality. I want to share my thoughts on why habitual behaviour, good and bad, can lead companies either into a downward spiral or a slow trajectory towards improved performance. The world ...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID2 means I have to do what??

Complying with new regulation is a challenge in its own right, that may require firms to have to rethink the way in which they conduct their business processes to meet these new expectations. However, far harder still is the need to prepare for a regulation that hasn’t yet been fully defined and, at the time of writing, this is the position which ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Model Risk Governance - the risk at the heart of finance

Financial institutions continue to face increasing pressure in a highly regulated landscape, including an ever-increasing and regular requirement for model validation in the context of ECB requirements and regulation such as CCAR, FRTB, and IFRS9 models. An increased appetite for risk mitigation and sophisticated forecasting has encouraged banks an...


Samee Zafar

Samee Zafar Director at Edgar Dunn Company

Can Blockchain Prevent Money Laundering?

Money laundering crimes, when discovered, are dealt with a heavy hand by law enforcement authorities. Record penalties and fines have been imposed on some of the world’s largest institutions held responsible for supporting money laundering in any way, knowingly or not, and violating laws relating to money transfers and payments. Could the blockc


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