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4138 Results from /regulation

Piyush Srivastava

Piyush Srivastava President & Chief Operating Officer at RiskCounts LLC

FRTB - The democratization and level playing field for the Trading book and Banking book

FRTB can be summarized in three lines as follows: - Close the loop hole of Capital Arbitrage between the Trading and the Banking books - Calculate the Capital as if the banks are in Stressed Market Conditions - Calculate Capital using the Standardized Approach, even though Trading desks calculate the Capital Charge using ...


Steve Wilcockson

Steve Wilcockson Product Marketing at Quantexa

7 Chief Risk Officer Priorities for 2017

In December, I attended the Amsterdam RiskMinds Conference, which highlighted current priorities of Chief Risk Officers [CROs] and risk professionals. Having reflected over Christmas sherry and Mariah Carey New Year PR disasters, I consider 7 key CRO and risk priorities. Do you agree ? Post your comments below. i) Be “Chief Worrier” The modern Chi...

/regulation /wholesale

Martijn Groot

Martijn Groot VP Product Management at Asset Control

The Regulatory Web of Complexity

At the centre of financial services risk management and regulatory compliance is the convergence of data from a huge range of information silos, departments, product lines, customers and risk categories. Risk and finance are at the end of an extensive chain, examining the consolidated threads, uncovering issues and spotting patterns. This is where...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Jeremy Light

Jeremy Light Co-founder at Fourdotzero

PSD2 APIs and the risk of fraud

Card-not-present (CNP) fraud is a big problem and is getting worse. It is possible its severity and the way it is outpacing ecommerce growth have influenced the drafting of the PSD2 and EBA RTS and defining the required levels of customer authentication and exemptions. Indeed, I attended an event recently where CNP fraud statistics were used to em...

/payments /regulation

Piyush Srivastava

Piyush Srivastava President & Chief Operating Officer at RiskCounts LLC

What does FRTB or Fundamental Review of trading book really mean?

Remember those days when we saw Lehman employees walking out with their personal stuff in cardboard boxes, the manhandling of AIG employees in New York, the demonstrations at Wall Street and Zuccotti Park (New York), and the $ 1 trillion bailout fund that the Congress initially refused to approve? Yes, to avoid similar situations, the BIS (Basel C...

/regulation /inclusion

Nanda Kumar

Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions

How can banks take the pressure out of stress tests?

Last year has been a rocky year for banks and financial markets. 2016 was a year of major fluctuations, driven by political changes across the world. The markets have reflected these turbulent times, with the greatest number of fluctuations the market has seen in 50 years. Banks have to mitigate these risks and adapt to new market changes. Banks h...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

A year to go - more or less

With just 364 days left to go, the MiFID II go-live date looms large. But with complex regulation spanning several hundred pages of text it is no great surprise that some MiFID II deadlines will come in earlier than 3rd January 2018, while others leave more breathing space. For example, trading venues must submit their waiver applications to their...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Transition relief won’t ease the pain of Section 871m

Banks and buysides thought the holidays came early this year as the IRS issued transition relief guidance for Section 871(m) in the form of Notice 2016-76. There were sounds of rejoice with changes to the threshold for US equity derivatives products. The notice highlights that the regulations will only apply to delta-one transactions for 2017, thos...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mince pies and MiFID

I spent the holidays diligently researching the best brand of mince pies in order to settle a pre-Christmas debate here at the office. Naturally my criteria included a number of factors including (but not just) price and, perhaps surprisingly, the winner was Tesco's in-house bakery. Back at work, my attention turned to my other favourite M word – ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Could RegTech save the banking industry?

RegTech alone will not save the banking industry. It must embrace digital and work out the supply chain disruption that #FinTech has created. However with profit margins continuing to shrink, regulations continuing to add further complexity on an already muddled landscape. Automation of process using technology, innovative use of technology to red...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

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