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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Compliance in the Cloud?

There is always a trade-off If you ask a cyber security expert to secure your enterprise environment, they may not allow anyone to login or even access email remotely and would request that you use passwords such as s23r8@#$23nr2345$% and also request that you change them to something just as confusing every 7 days. This quickly gets in the way of...

/regulation Asia Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A case for regulatory freeze?

Market participants are naturally worried about the immediate costs of regulation, some of them still uncertain about the future benefits. But with all the twists and turns on the road to regulatory change, meeting the requirements imposed by regulators is no easy task. Whatever the legislation, the politicians agree on the broad principles and se...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Google antitrust fine - No Lessons Learned

Today, Google has been slapped with a record-breaking €2.4bn fine by European regulators for abusing its dominant position in the world of online shopping. The European Commission said that the search engine has 90 days to end the misconduct. If it does not, it faces penalty payments of up to 5 per cent of the average daily worldwide turnover of Al...


Charles Platt

Charles Platt President, EMEA at SAP Fioneer

Neither a Producer nor a Distributor be... in your IT Philosophy

Economics can teach us a few lessons in our approach to technology set-up. From an economic perspective there is a lot of risk in being a producer. It requires commitment to fixed infrastructure — buying it, setting it up and maintaining it — in order to develop the assets to sell. Product diversity requires further expenditure on fixed infrastruct...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Artificial Intelligence: The Next Step in Financial Crime Compliance Evolution

Financial Services compliance departments are constantly turning to technology to find efficiencies and satisfy increasingly tough regulatory examinations. It started with simple robotics, which can provide great operational efficiencies and help standardize processes. Never ones to rest on their laurels, compliance departments have begun looking ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Nick Weisfeld

Nick Weisfeld Head of Data Strategy at GFT

Cloud database technology can no longer be ignored in financial services

Recent developments in cloud based data technology points to the beginning of a wider step change in the delivery of data technology within financial services, including two recent announcements made at the 2017 Google Next event in London. The first was from David Knott, Chief Architect at HSBC who announced HSBC’s ‘cloud first’ strategy for the b...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

How SFTR compliance creates a new vantage point for firms

With the deadline for the Securities Finance Transaction Regulation (SFTR) advancing rapidly (end of 2018), firms need to ensure they have a sustainable and low cost plan for how they will tackle the requirements laid out by the regulation. Beyond, simply pulling data from disparate sources together into a single report, astute organisations will ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sometimes it's tough being average

Back in March the CME Group postponed the effective date of amendments to Rule 553 ("Average Price System") until July 2, 2018 to allow sufficient time for affected Exchange Clearing Member Firms and CME Clearing to make the necessary changes to implement the rule. CME Rule 553 permits a clearing member firm to calculate an average price...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II: 6 Key Changes for Client Lifecycle Management

In less than six months’ time (January 3rd, 2018), banks will need to be fully compliant with MiFID II regulatory obligations. In her second blog on the topic, Laura Glynn, Fenergo Director of Regulatory Compliance, explores the six key areas where MiFID II will impact the Client Lifecycle Management process. A wide-ranging and complicated regulat...

/regulation /inclusion Financial Risk Management

Ben Knieff

Ben Knieff Principal Consultant at Outside Look

What does Robotic Process Automation Really Mean

There have been a number of vendors getting in to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to address some of the tedious aspects of AML compliance. As many know, even the best AML compliance systems tend to produce large numbers of false positives that analysts must review and clear. Large backlogs can lead to enforcement actions and generally lead to hi...


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