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4138 Results from /regulation

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Retired Member 

How Lenders Are Already Using Open Banking

What is Open Banking? Starting January 13th, the largest UK banks began the process of allowing their customers to request transaction data be shared with third parties. Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, Bank of Scotland, Halifax, Nationwide, RBS, NatWest, Santander, Danske, AIB, First Trust, and Bank of Ireland have given control of current account tran

/regulation Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

GDPR in Context: 10 Data Subject Rights

GDPR introduces ten new rights to data subjects. Chapter III of GDPR, Section 1 provides for some of the transparency requirements placed upon data controllers as they communicate with data subjects. It explicitly refers to several Articles 13 – 22 and Article 34. In plain English, that means: The controller has to provide certain information to ...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Keith Stonell

Keith Stonell Managing Director, EMEA at Guidewire

GDPR - and the importance of insurance customer trust.

GDPR implementation is now weeks away. The impact that GDPR will have on the insurance industry has been well documented. Indeed, I’ve previously commented on it here. Some of the concerns that have been voiced look well founded; for example, a stampede of consumers flexing their muscles on data privacy. Recent research suggests that two in five

/regulation Data Protection Act Issues

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

SEC Steers Pilot on Equity Trading Fees and Rebates Amid Headwinds

Diving into one of the more controversial issues in equity market structure, U.S. regulators are moving forward with the transaction-fee pilot that will force stock exchanges to lower the fee caps on rebates they pay to brokers and market makers. “I think the SEC is about to embark upon a productive time for assessing market structure reforms,” sai...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Iosif Itkin

Iosif Itkin CEO at Exactpro

Large Scale Infrastructure Intervention and Fake Testing

In a nutshell, the job that we do comes down to infiltrating large financial market infrastructures with specially designed tools to influence the outcome of the software development life cycle. We have been implementing this strategy across the globe for nearly 9 years. But even in the most critical, robust and reliable large infrastructures, the...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

Nanda Kumar

Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions

2008-2018, two turning points for the financial services sector

10 years after the last financial crisis, a new upheaval in banking It’s been 10 years since the global financial crisis, considered by many to be the worst since the great depression. New regulations like the Banking Act of 2009, the FSA Remunerations Code, Know Your Customer (KYC), accompanied by stress tests, have been put in place in this dec...

/security /regulation Banking Regulations

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

The convergence of Legacy Systems and FinTech using chatbots

Legacy Systems remain problematic. Legacy Systems constrain change enablement. FinTech accelerates change. Legacy Systems are costly and slow to change. FinTech is inexpensive and quick to change. The knowledge to change Legacy Systems dilutes overtime. Diluted knowledge increases cost, time and risk. Solution Stage 1 Capture Legacy Systems kno...

/ai /regulation Business Knowledge for IT

Retired Member

Retired Member 

GDPR in Context: 6 Key Data Protection Principles

GDPR outlines six principles that organizations need to abide by. These principles aren't new - they were already outlined in the 1995 directive, but GDPR has revised them slightly. We delve into each principle below: 1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency Our last blog, on Legal Bases, falls within this principle. Controllers essentially need to...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Active, proactive or reactive: Assessing your cyber security posture

Need to stand up to cyber security breaches more effectively? Change your posture! An organisation’s ‘security posture’ indicates how robustly they are equipped to avoid, detect and repel cyber threats, based on current information security infrastructure and practices. Given ever-bolder cybercrime, a major review of security posture is now imper...

/security /regulation

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Best Practices in Internal Capital Adequacy Planning

Best Practices in Managing Internal Capital AdequacyGuaranteeing a Solid Base of Capitalization Cooked down to its essence, the convulsion that overtook the international banking system in 2008 came down to institutions lacking adequate capitalization. The failure of Lehman Brothers — due to its holdings in the subprime market not being sufficientl...

/regulation /wholesale Banking Regulations

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