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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Singapore Spurs Development of FX Trading Hub & Ecosystem

With the uptick in Asian currency trading and the growth of electronic trading, Singapore’s regulator is working with the financial industry to build an FX trading hub and expand FX market infrastructure, a move to improve liquidity and price discovery during Asian trading hours. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is offering financial ince...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

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Assessing the Financial Cost of Poor Data in Banking

The cost of dirty data – data that is inaccurate, incomplete or inconsistent – is enormous. Earlier this year, Gartner reported that, on average, poor quality data cost an organisation $15 million in 2017. These findings were reinforced by MIT Sloan Management Review, which reported that dirty data costs the average business an astonishing 15 to ...

/regulation Data Management 101

Christopher Craddock

Christopher Craddock Director for Tax Solutions at IHS Markit

Tax Due Diligence - The first solution isn’t always the right solution

Governments and regulators reacted to the 2008 financial crisis by introducing a raft of regulation for financial services, acquainting professionals with a range of acronyms such as MiFID, PRIIPS, EMIR and FATCA. The aim of much of the regulation: to improve transparency through reporting information to regulators and government authorities to he...

/regulation Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Mark Demo

Mark Demo Head of Community Development at AcadiaSoft

Monitoring OTC trades to ensure IM compliance

In late March, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) issued guidance to national regulators stating that Phase 4 and 5 firms need not negotiate documentation with counterparties or become operationally ready if the trading relationship with any given counterparty was ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Matt Smith

Matt Smith CEO at SteelEye

MiFID II - Moving past the challenges

Since MiFID II was implemented at the start of 2018, financial markets have struggled to adapt to the new and rigorous regulatory requirements. Recently, high profile cases have brought the consequences of non-compliance into the spotlight, with UBS and Goldman Sachs both receiving fines of £27.6m and £34m respectively, for misreporting their data...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Buy Side Savviness for Data Analysis Shakes Up Broker Allocations

As asset managers become more data-driven in their analysis of execution quality, they are reallocating order flows among their broker-dealer relationships at a faster pace. That finding provided the context for a recent Greenwich Associates webinar “Best Execution: How the Buy Side Measures it, How the Sell Side Produces it.” Panelists discussed t...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

Peter Davidson

Peter Davidson Business Consultant at Self Employed

The Current State of the Israeli Real Estate Market

The current state of the Israeli real estate market is perhaps best described as ‘volatile’, not because of whipsaw activity in supply and demand, but because future demand is expected to severely outpace the government’s ability to remedy the housing situation. According to the president of the IBA (Israel Builders Association), Raul Srugo, Israe...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

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If a trade needs explaining, it needs recording

When Standard Chartered announced in its end of year results that it will include a $900 million provision for penalties relating to investigations into FX trading issues, trading compliance was once again thrust firmly into the spotlight. From electronic chat rooms to email, video calls to phone calls, there has been a constant fight by banking re...

/regulation Unified Communications in Financial Services

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Retired Member 

Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Regulation Proposals

The regulatory perimeter regarding crypto-assets continues to expand. The latest move comes from the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) which released for comment on 28 May 2019 suggested regulatory oversight standards to govern crypto-asset trading platforms (the “IOSCO CTP Proposals”). Many in the cryptocurrency secto...

/payments /regulation Digital Asset Class (DAC)

Shiran Weitzman

Shiran Weitzman Co-Founder and CEO at Shield Financial Compliance

Closing the Gap of Market Abuse Surveillance

Market Abuse is nothing new, but the updated Market Abuse Regulations (MAR) in 2016 significantly raised the bar in terms of the requirements needed to address it and the punishments for compliance failure. Having conducted a survey on MAR in 2016, PwC UK has recently released its new Market Abuse Surveillance Survey for 2019 and it makes for fasc...


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