
Latest Results from /sibos


Shinhan Bank certified by Swift for corporate servicing

Swift announces that Shinhan Bank has recently been awarded an advanced bank-readiness certification from Swift.


PowertoPay earns Swift corporate cash management label

PowertoPay has been awarded the 2015 SWIFT Corporate Cash Management Label for the second consecutive year. All validations to qualify the PowertoPay Corporate Payment Hub for the Corporates Cash Management label have been completed and proven to be successful.


Surecomp Imex wins Swift label

Surecomp, the leading global provider of trade finance solutions for banks and corporations, announced today that IMEX, its high-volume back-office trade finance solution for banks, has been award the “SWIFT Certified Application – Trade Finance” label for a 17th consecutive year.


Surecomp Doka 5 awarded Swift label

Surecomp, the leading global provider of trade finance solutions for banks and corporations, announced today that DOKA 5, its configurable bank back-office solution for documentary trade finance, has been awarded the “SWIFT Certified Application – Trade Finance” label for a 15th consecutive year.


Swift Institute tips smaller mining pools to stabilise bitcoin ecosystem

The SWIFT Institute announces the availability of a new paper that investigates Bitcoin mining pools and considers whether an evolution towards smaller mining pools might stabilise the Bitcoin system.


Nordnet first in Sweden with electronic mutual fund transfers

Nordnet together with Fidelity are the first in Sweden to introduce electronic mutual fund transfers via SWIFT.


Swift data shows growth in bank processing of RMB payments

Recent SWIFT data shows that the growth in RMB payments is supported by an increasing number of banks.


Swift publishes Islamic Finance Rulebook

SWIFT, in collaboration with The Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM) announce the launch of a new rulebook for the purpose of promoting message standards in the Islamic banking and finance market.


Innotribe announces winners of New York startup showcase

The Innotribe Startup Challenge attendees selected the five finalists from the American leg of the Startup Challenge to compete at Sibos Singapore in October.


Swift issues ISO 20022 best practice guidelines

SWIFT announces that its Standards Consulting Services team has delivered over 150 ISO 20022 consulting projects to more than 70 clients across the globe.


Swift Watch for Securities ready for full-scale roll out

SWIFT announces the availability of Watch for Securities, a new business intelligence solution that helps securities market participants to monitor and gain valuable business insights from their network traffic.


Surecomp trade finance module certified by Swift

Surecomp, the leading global provider of trade finance solutions for banks and corporations, announced today that COR-TF, its multi-bank corporate trade finance solution, has been awarded the “SWIFT Certified Application – Trade and Supply Chain Finance for Corporates” label for the fourth consecutive year.