
Latest Results from /inclusion


Finance in Motion takes equity stake in Oradian

Finance in Motion, one of the world’s leading advisors in impact investing, has announced the purchase of an equity stake in Oradian, based in Zagreb, Croatia, developer of a cloud-based banking system that supports financial inclusion in economically challenged regions.


EFSE DF accelerates financial inclusion with fintech competition in Berlin

Tarfin has won EUR 15,000 sponsored by the EFSE DF and the distinction of becoming the first company to be dubbed champion of the Fincluders Startup Challenge, a competition featuring emerging fintech companies with products designed to reduce the ranks of the world’s 2.5 billion people with no access to banking services.


More than 100 migrant workers test blockchain remittance in Thailand

Money sent to Myanmar instantly with Everex’s Ethereum-based mobile payments app


Euro surpasses RMB in traditional trade finance

Swift RMB Tracker shows the euro is now the second-most-active currency for trade finance, whilst the RMB slips to position number three


PayU appoints former PayPal senior director global CCO

PayU, the global online payment service provider, has named Matthias Setzer as its global Chief Commercial Officer.


Millennial demographic “meaningless” for financial institutions and fintechs

New research says younger millennials are not financially independent, and slower to embrace fintech


MFS Africa connects 120 million mobile wallets in Sub-Saharan Africa

Network enables merchants, banks and mobile operators to scale transactions cross-border, cross-currency and cross-network


UK 'neo bank' Pockit hits 100K users

Pockit, the U.K.’s leading next-generation ‘bank’, today announces that it is now meeting the everyday banking needs of 100,000 customers, nearly twice as many as its three fin-tech peers - Monzo, Atom and Tandem – combined.


AinFin raises £200K seed investment

The recently formed start-up AinFin Ltd has raised £200k seed investment.


GSMA projects one billion mobile subscribers in India by 2020

India is expected to see a significant uptake in mobile subscriptions, broadband and connectivity by 2020, marking a period of rapid development of the country’s mobile economy, according to a new GSMA Intelligence study published today.


WorldRemit commends restoration of money transfers to Nigeria

WorldRemit, the leading digital remittance service, commends the restoration of money transfers to Nigeria, following the decision of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to approve WorldRemit and other international money transfer operators (IMTOs).


MoneyGram recognised as trusted money transfer provider in Nigeria

MoneyGram (MGI) announced the continuity of its operations in Nigeria.