Transaction banking

1040 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

Banking functions through AI: The next user interface.

Adam Cheyer, Co-Founder & VP Engineering, Viv & Siri, speaks at The Temenos Community Forum 2019 in The Hague about how banks are embedding AI solutions into their organisations, the business functions behind this, how AI technology has changed the way banks interact with their customers and how can commercialise through AI.

/Transaction banking

The State of Fintech

Megan Caywood, Global Head of Digital Strategy, Barclays, speaks about the state of play in fintech, how banks should work with fintechs, whether they can provide the best services by mimicking neobanks and by using the trendiest technology available, how they can best help fintechs post sandbox stage and whether European banks should follow the Asia Model.

/Transaction banking

The opportunities of Cloud-Native and Cloud-Agnostic

Tony Coleman, Cloud Technology Director, Temenos & Bob Walmsley, CEO, NuoDB, speak at The Temenos Community Forum 2019 in The Hague about Cloud-Native and Cloud-Agnostic, the opportunities it creates for organisations, how the pace of innovation within the banking industry is a driving huge change and where Temenos' partnership with NuoDB fits it.

/Transaction banking

Digital Banking Reloaded: Fintech in LATAM

Guillermo Gomez del Campo, Executive President, Prestanomico, speaks at The Temenos Community Forum in The Hague about the latest developments in digital banking in LATAM, why LATAM needs digital banks, how digital banks are pushing the boundaries of services and products to customers, and how this sector will evolve in the near term.

/Transaction banking

Business models meeting the demands of digital

Derek Corcoran, Chief Experience Officer, Temenos, speaks at The Temenos Community Forum 2019 in The Hague about digital trends in front office business functions, how financial institutions are responding to the demands of consumers and what business models are best suited to meet these demands.

/Transaction banking

Neobanks in Australia and the use of Cloud Technology

Alex Twigg, Co-Founder, Judo Capital, speaks at The Temenos Community Forum 2019 in The Hague about how a neo bank like Judo differentiate their offering compared to incumbents in Australia, what drove the of launch this challenging bank and how to change the way financial services are delivered.

/Transaction banking

The rise of digital banking in Africa

Mr Thairu Ndungu, Deputy Managing Director, Consolidated Bank of Ghana, speaks at The Temenos Community Forum 2019 in The Hague about banking developments in Africa, the challenges and opportunities for banks and fintechs around digital, and how technology is helping.

/Transaction banking

The Benefits of Conversational Banking

Dharmesh Mistry, Chief Digital Officer, Temenos, speaks at The Temenos Community Forum 2019 in The Hague about Conversational Banking, how it goes beyond chatbots, the internet and mobile banking. He highlights how customers can benefit from it and who else these conversational interfaces are helping.

/Transaction banking

Banking in The Cloud: The Strategy Ahead

Joseph Edwin Senior Vice President & Head of Core Banking Transformation, speaks at the Temenos Community Forum 2019 in the The Hague about banking in the cloud, the pros and cons of cloud banking, what it can be used for and Nordea’s strategy in this space.

/Transaction banking

The impact of innovation of the e-commerce marketplace

Ron Karpovich, Managing Director, Head of eCommerce Solutions, Treasury Services,  JP Morgan. speaks at Money20/20 ASIA in Singapore about whether the e-commerce marketplace has benefited as much as it should have done from innovation, how traditional banking functions adapt and offer more digitally led, interconnected services in the corporate sector and whats next for transaction services.

/Transaction banking

Combining the Westpac's brand with fintech capabilities

Di Challenor, General manager, Global Transaction Services, Westpac, speaks at Money20/20 ASIA in Singapore about how Westpac is responding to the rapid level of changes in banking, their digital transformation journey, the strategy behind this and how this distinguish their services from those of others.

/Transaction banking

View from Mumbai: What's really driving innovation?

Suniti Nanda, Fintech officer, Government of Maharashtra, India, speaks at Money20/20 ASIA in Singapore about some of the misconceptions around innovation, whether innovation starts with technology that drives business change, whether it is the reverse, and how ecosystems can be built by link minded people.

/Transaction banking

How Middle Eastern Banks are Approaching Digital Transformation

T K Raman, Group CFO, Finance House, speaks at SunTec's Confluence 2019 in Dubai about how middle eastern banks are approaching Digital Transformation and how Finance House is chartering the their digital journey.

/Transaction banking

Driving the Digital Journey with 'Customer Intent-Centricity'

Colin Dinn, SEVP, CTO and Head of Operations at Siam Commercial Bank, speaks at SunTec's Confluence 2019 in Dubai about the challenges and learning from the banks transformation journey, how banks need to be customer-centric and focus on their intent, and what's next for Siam Commercial Bank.

/Transaction banking

Banks don't drive Innovation; Innovation drives Banks.

Drew Graham, Fintech Entrepreneur, speaks at Money20/20 ASIA in Singapore about initiatives that have been born from the Silicon Valley, whether they have truly morphed into initiative change, how good the banking sector is at keeping up with pace set by fintechs and whether they need to commercialise new ecosystems.

/Transaction banking

The business gains and strategy benefits of Google Cloud

Adrian Poole, Head of Financial Services, Google Cloud Platform, speaks at Money20/20 ASIA in Singapore, about how banks’ use of using cloud technology has changed over recent years, what the main impact of cloud technology is on the banking sector, the benefits of banks working with Google and how these relationships will evolve.

/Transaction banking

Overcoming hurdles to hyper personalisation and becoming agile

Madhur Jain , SVP- Solution Consulting, SunTec & Satish N, SVP-Product Management, SunTec, speak at SunTec's confluence 2019 in Dubai about what Digital at the Core means to SunTec, how it helps banks to become more agile, what the barriers are and how they might be overcome.

/Transaction banking

Innovating incumbent banks from within

Rick Striano, MD Digital Product develoment, Deutsche Bank, speaks at Money20/20 ASIA in Singapore about whether incumbent banks are less agile than challenger banks in deploying new technologies, how to drive innovation in a large bank, the emergence of sophisticated ecosystems and what we can expect from incumbents in the future.

/Transaction banking

Changing the way banks are perceived by their end customers

Ritesh Talapatra, COO & EVP Financial Services, Capgemini, speaks at SunTec's Confluence 2019 in Dubai, about digital transformation, how it will change the way banks are perceived by their end customers and how partnerships can benefit the customer.

/Transaction banking

Banking in Africa and changing customer needs in the region

Nithinia Martin-Hobbs, Lead Technology Partner, Absa, speaks at the SunTec Confluence 2019 in Dubai about banking in Africa, what the customer needs are in the region, how technology is driving change at ABSA and the power in partnerships.