Transaction banking

3345 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

Banks and Fintechs fast becoming friends

Alistair Brown Global Head of payments at EPAM, speaks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney, about the technological and business challenges around Open Banking, what the latest trends are in payments processing, and what worldwide challenges we are seeing around Instant Payments.

/Transaction banking

Major drivers for banking in the Asia-Pacific region

Mark Evans, Managing Director, Transaction Banking, ANZ, speaks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney, about the major drivers for banking in the Asia Pacific region, how banks are responding to the fintech and digital transformation era, and how emerging technologies are affecting change within trade finance.

/Transaction banking

Focus Solutions names Peter Dingomal as Head of Business Development

New Head of Business Development will head up the launch of Focus’s new private client wealth proposition.

/Transaction banking

Thoughts on the theme 'Accelerate Digital'

David Miller, Senior Vice President, Technology, OnDeck Capital, talks at the Infosys Finacle Conclave 2018, about the top technologies impacting the financial service industry today, and how challenger banks can differentiate themselves from their larger competitors.

/Transaction banking

Driving Digital Transformation

David Watson, Head of Digital Cash Products & Americas Head of Cash Management, Deutsche Bank, speaks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney, about why banks are focusing so heavily on the provision of digital services, what's driving the transformation of banks and how they can become digital, and what further innovation and new services can we expect to see in the future.

/Transaction banking

Fintech innovation in Asia

Balazs Fejes, CTO APAC, EPAM, speaks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney about FinTech in China, in what areas China financial services are leading the way, and whether the rest of the APAC region is following in terms of cashless payments, digitisation of financial services.

/Transaction banking

NZ bank ASB sets blockchain trades in motion with VerifyUnion; DBS debuts commodity pricing platform

ASB has partnered with VerifyUnion, a decentralised identification platform, to launch New Zealand’s first bank blockchain single trade window.

/Transaction banking

Tackling fraud and financial crime through digitisation

Mike Lim, Head of Financial Institutions, ANZ, speaks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney, about how the digitisation of banking services is effecting the management of supply chains, what the next steps are for blockchain and distributed ledger, and how AI and ML are being used to benefit the industry.

/Transaction banking

Shaping Faster Securities Services

Fiona Gallagher, Global Head of Securities Serivces and Chief Country Officer Ireland, Deutsche Bank, speaks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney, about the dynamics shaping securities services, what Deutsche Bank doing culturally to adapt to those shifts, and how the bank is collaborating with industry partners to replicate the retail customer experience in a B2B context.

/Transaction banking

The progression of SWIFT GPI

Marc Recker, Global Head of Institutional Market Management, Cash Management, Deutsche Bank, talks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney about how SWIFT’s global payment initiative is progressing, how transformative the initiative is, what opportunities it offers, and how it drives innovation and value for the corporate sector.

/Transaction banking

CGI partners with Scotiabank on intelligent process automation proof of concept for trade finance

CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB) announced it partnered with Scotiabank and Conpend on a proof of concept using robotic automation to capture, identify and classify documents as part of the CGI Trade360 transaction flow.

/Transaction banking

'Navigating your Next' in the Digital Arms-race

Mohit Joshi, President of Infosys, speaks at the Infosys Finacle Conclave 2018 in Antwerp, about the cycle of disruption caused by digital and how banks should 'navigate their next' in the digital arms-race.

/Transaction banking

Setting new bench marks for growth and operational excellence

Julian Sawyer, Chief Operating Officer, Starling Bank, speaks at the Infosys Finacle 2018 Conclave in Antwerp, about what it takes to build a successful digital only bank, how digital banks can differentiate themselves from their larger rivals, and how Starling bank is setting new bench marks for growth.

/Transaction banking

Enabling Banks to Accelerate Digital

Madhivanan Balakrishnan, Chief Technology & Digital Officer, ICICI Bank, speaks at the Infosys Finacle Conclave in Antwerp, about the key technologies impacting the industry today, and what banks need to do to accelerate digital.

/Transaction banking

Significant steps forward in Blockchain

David Collins, Head of Financial Services, GFT Technologies, explains the reasons behind slow adoption of blockchain within in the financial market in particular, where progress is being seen most, and how the market is likely to react to these findings.


BBVA unveils account aggregation service for businesses

BBVA is launching a real-time account aggregation service for Spanish businesses, enabling them to control all their domestic accounts, credit accounts and cards from a single dashboard.


ABN Amro to hike business fees for 'manual' payments processing

ABN Amro is to raise fees for business customers who use payment services that require manual intervention, as part of a move to switch more clients to digital banking channels.

/Transaction banking

Addressing the Consolidation, Regulatory and Technology Challenges

Didier Bouillard, CEO of Calypso Technology discusses at Sibos 2018 in Sydney the challenges that financial institutions are currently facing, how Calypso technology is solving these issues, and how the markets will evolve in the future.


EBA Clearing’s real-time payment system RT1 passes 5-million-transaction mark

Eleven months after its go-live, EBA CLEARING’s instant payment system RT1 has hit the 5-million-transaction mark.

/Transaction banking

iGTB forges trade finance partnership with Bolero

Intellect Global Transaction Banking (iGTB), the transaction banking division of Intellect Design Arena Ltd, the leading B2B fintech with 21% CAGR over three years, has entered into a collaboration agreement with Bolero International, the world’s premier trade digitisation experts, with goals to make trade safer, smarter and faster.