Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

Meeting RDA compliance for 2016

Mike Zehetmayr, Partner, European Finance, Risk & Compliance and Marc Wood, Associate Partner European Finance, Risk & Compliance both at IBM GBS look at what banks need to do to meet the upcoming regulations concerning Risk Data Aggregation.

/Transaction banking

Retooling the Debate on the Governance of Global Finance

Professor Erik Jones of The Johns Hopkins University SAIS and Nuffield College discusses his new research examining the institutional preconditions for stable financial integration in a 'theory of optimal financial areas' (OFA).

/Transaction banking

ISO20022: The same old story?

Patrik Neutjens, head of reference data and Stephen Lindsay, head of standards, Swift, explain how the discussion around ISO 20022 is moving forward and Swift's response to an increase in attention towards the standard.

/Transaction banking

A big demand for big data

Astrid Thorsen, head of business intelligence solutions and Stephen Gilderdale, head of new business development, Swift, discuss why big data is a significant topic for Sibos delegates, Swift's response to the demand in big data and what role it could play in the coming years.

/Transaction banking

Conduct on the risk agenda

Michael Davison, Business Development Executive, Banking and Financial Markets, IBM, Dr. Nigel Guenole, Business Psychologist, Smarter Workforce Institute and Nick Trigg, Worldwide Specialist, IBM Risk Analytics discuss what banks need to know about conduct risk requirements.

/Transaction banking

Swift Corporates Forum 20/20

Marcus Treacher, Head of Innovation for Global Payments and Cash Management at HSBC and chairman of the Swift Corporates Forum, Sebastian Rojas, Cloud Market Manager, Swift and Jörgen Holmgren, Director Corporate Finance, Volvo discuss the corporate agenda and the use of cloud.

/Transaction banking

Leveraging data to manage increasing regulation

William Higgins, Managing Director of Payments, RBS and Brian Caplen, Editor, The Banker discuss, from the findings of the World Payments Report by Capgemini and RBS, the impact of key regulatory and industry initiatives. They also detail what advantages standardisation brings to the industry.

/Transaction banking

The future of payments

David Yates, CEO of Vocalink looks at payments, the rise of startups, the future of ACHs and the promise of blockchain technology prior to Money 20/20 in Las Vegas.

/Transaction banking

Prospects for a common financial language

Alistair Milne, professor of financial economics at the University of Loughborough and Malcolm Chisholm president of Inc, discuss the findings of a research paper they wrote around the prospects of a common financial language.

/Transaction banking

The retail-to-corporate innovation lag

Lars Millberg, head of transaction banking, SEB, discusses trends in pricing transaction data as well as the lag in innovation between retail and corporate banking.

/Transaction banking

Sibos success in Boston

Marty Walsh, Mayor of Boston, talks about the important work done by this year's Sibos Wishing Well Charity, the Boys and Girls' Clubs of Boston.

/Transaction banking

Artists for Humanity at Sibos

Sven Bossu, head of Sibos and Jason Talbot. co-founder at Artists for Humanity discuss The Banker's Briefcase art exhibit, created by students, for the Sibos art gallary.

/Transaction banking

Deepening the bank partner relationship

Helen Mason, head of bank partnerships at RBS, looks at how partnerships with friendly banks creates a seemless service for corporate customers.

/Transaction banking

World non-cash markets and trends

Christophe Vergne, global leader of the cards and payments centre of excellence, Capgemini and Brian Caplen, editor, The Banker, discuss, from the findings of the World Payments Report by Capgemini and RBS, the key non-cash payments market trends and give a view on which market disruptors will impact the non-cash market growth in the coming years.

/Transaction banking

A vibrant space for FinTech and Innovation

Christophe Chazot, group head of innovation for HSBC looks at collaboration between banks and more agile starups and whether banks can be innovative in the areas of connected objects, big data, open source and social networks.

/Transaction banking

Billing and revenue management trends

Hubert JP Jolly, Head of Channel & Enterprise Services, Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions talks about the demand for real-time payments and centralised oversight with revenue and billing management.

/Transaction banking

The corporate-to-bank challenge

Ali Moiyed, CEO and founder, AccessPay, explains what corporates are demanding from their banks and how advances in technology, especially cloud, have shaped corporate requirements.

/Transaction banking

What are strategic payments comand and control centres?

Clay Cowdery, solutions architect at Systar, now part of Axway, explains how banks can use strategic payments comand and control centres to monitor their payments flows.

/Transaction banking

The experience of digital forms

Jamie Brighton, strategic marketing manager at Adobe, explains the industry's readiness to electronic forms, customer's expectations and how to ensure good quality data within a form.

/Transaction banking

The new normal for transaction banks

Jennifer Boussuge, head of global transaction services (GTS) for the EMEA region, Bank of America Merrill Lynch looks at the new age of collaboration, the opportunities of regulation and the new normal for global transaction banks.