Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

PSD2 and strategies for banks

Petri Syvänne, Head of Accenture Payment Services Nordic and Ilkka Ruotsila, Nordic Head of Accenture Strategy for Banking & Financial Services, speak about how banks should prepare for PSD2 and the strategies banks should adopt in dealing with the regulation.

/Transaction banking

‘From disruption to real world change’

Erica Åhman, Head of Nordics, SWIFT, speaks about the value of this year’s SWIFT Nordics Regional Conference in Oslo for the Norwegian and Nordic communities, and what important global payments topics will be discussed, alongside securities and an Innotribe session.

/Transaction banking

More links between banks and start-ups to come

Jim Wadsworth, Product Director, VocaLink, and John Box, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Raphaels Bank, discuss the importance of collaboration in the changing fintech environment, what makes a successful partnership, and explore where the debate of start-ups vs banks will take us in the next few years.

/Transaction banking

We should not dismiss bitcoin

Jan Skoyles, Co-founder and former CEO, The Real Asset Co, and Marketing, Coinsilium, speaks about the hype around blockchain, the role of bitcoin in inspiring exploration into alternative approaches to the monetary system, and the support blockchain companies can receive.

/Transaction banking

Enabling new frontiers for banking efficiency

Alvaro Ruiz, Executive Partner, Europe GBS Banking & Financial Markets Leader, IBM Global Business Services, discusses the role of digital in leveraging efficiency and agility in banking and which technology areas banks should focus on to achieve efficiency gains.

/Transaction banking

The point of no return for legacy systems

Keith Saxton, Chair, techUK Financial Services Council, at “Banking on the Future”, a seminar produced by Fiserv, Innovate Finance and techUK, talks about how the problem of banks’ legacy systems is not going away and must now be dealt with, and looks at some alternatives to rip and replace strategies, including exploiting the ‘as a service’ model and open APIs, and exploring new opportunities for utilities for non-differentiating activities such as reference data, account opening and aspects of regulatory compliance.

/Transaction banking

Payments go from magic to mainstream

Paul Thomalla, SVP Global Corporate Relations & Development, ACI Worldwide, takes a look back at payments industry developments in 2015, including the impact of new entrants, the varied progress on instant payments globally, and the growth in understanding of the potential of blockchain.

/Transaction banking

Filling the gaps in financial crime compliance

Matthew Long, Financial Crime and GRC Management Global Solution Lead, Oracle and Michael Davison, Industry Principal, Financial Services, Atos, discuss the growing challenge for banks of meeting their financial crime and compliance obligations – such as the requirements of the 4th AML Directive - and explore the industry’s response, including efforts to achieve a holistic view of risks by centralising investigation management operations, the focus on better utilising big data and analytics for compliance, and the increasing relevance of hosted solutions to ensure players of all sizes and complexity can comply in a cost efficient way.

/Transaction banking

Driving enrichment in digital banking

Travers Clarke-Walker, CMO, Fiserv International, at “Banking on the Future”, a seminar produced by Fiserv, Innovate Finance and techUK, assesses the impact of the continued rise of challenger banks, and examines how the use of plug and play technology components – emulating the model of Uber – can enable both new and established banks to create better, richer and more engaging customer experiences.

/Transaction banking

What’s the impact of MiFID II?

At Deutsche Börse’s third London MiFID II workshop, Rory McLaren, Product Development MiFID II Transaction Reporting, Deutsche Börse Group, outlines the market requirements, and Axel Schorn, Programme Manager Regulatory Reporting, Deutsche Börse Group, alongside representatives from Credit Suisse, and Nomura International plc, discuss the challenges the financial services industry faces with this new MiFID II regulation.

/Transaction banking

On-boarding is a competitive differentiator

Steve Pulley, Global Managing Director, Client On-boarding & KYC Solutions, Thomson Reuters, outlines the changes in KYC for banks and investment managers this year, and the focus that they should have in their due diligence processes in 2016.

/Transaction banking

Cyber-attacks go to the weakest point

Maurice Cleaves, Chief Executive, Payments UK, speaks about the company’s transition from the Payments Council, the most concerning aspects of cyber security, and if startups have a higher risk of cyber-attacks.

/Transaction banking

Transaction banking is on a different curve

Rob Hetherington, General Manager EMEA, Financial Services, SAP, outlines our understanding of ‘digital’, transaction banking’s adaption into the digital world, and if there should be collaboration or competition with start-ups.

/Transaction banking

Commercial lending growth in tight market

Paul Rozelle, Managing Director, Private & Alternative Operations Services, TIAA-CREF, speaks about the recent investment made in TIAA-CREF’s commercial mortgage operations, what business and market factors led to this decision, and what achievements are expected.

/Transaction banking

Digital is about joining up the user experience

Phil Allen, Director, Group Digital, Wealth and Investments, Lloyds Banking Group, speaks about wealth managers and private banks’ treatment of digital compared to retail, and how easily they can adapt into the digital age.

/Transaction banking

CMB and Deutsche Bank sign global banking MOU

Werner Steinmüller, Head of Global Transaction Banking, Deutsche Bank, and Mr Tang Zhihong, Executive Vice President of China Merchants Bank (CMB), discuss the extension of the long relationship between the two banks and their plan to collaborate to further support business development in China and throughout Asia-Pacific

/Transaction banking

Separating the buying from the paying

Mikael Hussain, Vice President of Credit, Klarna, talks about how the digital payment service provider is simplifying the buying process for consumers, how it is exploiting data and analytics to underpin the platform and the importance of having the right people on board to perfect innovative approaches to payment

/Transaction banking

Blockchain next revolution in payments infrastructure

Teresa Connors, Head of Client Engagement, Payments, Royal Bank of Scotland, discusses key findings of the World Payments Report 2015, including the potential of blockchain to enable payments transformation, the unstoppable move to digital and the complexity of the regulatory landscape impacting banks and PSPs

/Transaction banking

ISO 20022 holds key to industry transformation

Paula Roels, Director, Co-Head of Market Management, Institutional Cash, Deutsche Bank, talks about the role of ISO 20022 in enabling real-time payments and the need for continued global dialogue between banks, market infrastructures and SWIFT to ensure ISO 20022 is implemented efficiently and its full benefit is unlocked

/Transaction banking

Banks in execution mode on regulation

Lisa Robins, Head of Global Transaction Banking, Asia Pacific at Deutsche Bank, discusses how regulation is part and parcel of banks’ daily business, the balance between harmonisation and fragmentation in the Asian regulatory landscape, and the rapid development of RMB internationalisation