Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

PSD2 will make a treasurer’s life easier

Catherine Duchel, Product Manager, HSBC, summarises how PSD2 might impact corporates and European banking, and what treasurers could do to navigate this regulatory evolution.

/Transaction banking

Helping treasurers to complete automation journey

Jenn Doherty, Global Head of Commercialisation, Liquidity & Investment Products at HSBC, discusses how liquidity investment solutions can reduce manual effort and cost, and how treasurers can prepare for and get the most out of these automated off-balance sheet money movements by understanding their day to day activities in a manual environment in order to automate them going forward.

/Transaction banking

Real-time and open APIs connected – not separate

Warren Gardiner, VP Enterprise Payments Strategy, FIS, discusses the latest findings of analysis of instant payments schemes globally, which show an increase in initiatives from 16 to 28 in just three years, as well as a growing understanding that schemes need to be API enabled to act as a catalyst for true innovation out to customers.

/Transaction banking

How to get ahead on operational resilience

Andrew Graham, Distinguished Engineer and Executive IT Architect - IBM Global Industries - Financial Markets and Banking, outlines the importance of operational resilience in an increasingly difficult environment, how technologies such as blockchain will impact resilience and what financial institutions need to do to get ahead in this domain.

/Transaction banking

Banks must see e-wallets as opportunity not threat

Avet Mnatsakanyan, CEO, WebMoney Europe, discusses the improving interactions between banks and e-wallet providers, the fast adoption of e-wallets across Europe and the fact that e-wallets can be the gateway to other services including crowdfunding and escrow services, as well as enabling instant payments

/Transaction banking

The business model implications of open banking

Vincent Brennan, EBA Deputy Chairman, talks about the new paper on open APIs from the Electronic Alternative Payments Working Group of the Euro Banking Association, which highlights the importance for market players to think strategically about leveraging open banking to source new propositions - and improve distribution of their own - in the post-PSD2 landscape.

/Transaction banking

AI is a mature suite of tools for payments

Joe Lyske, Partner, Time Machine Capital, pinpoints how artificial intelligence (AI) fits into the payments industry, and which specific areas of banking are receptive to the technology.

/Transaction banking

Banks must figure out the ‘why’ of open APIs

Ronnie Mitra, ‎Director of API Design, API Academy, CA Technologies, talks about the impact of open APIs on banks’ customer relationships, the opportunity banks have to leverage accelerated interest in APIs due to PSD2, and the need for banks to work out why they are developing APIs – and for whom.

/Transaction banking

Orchestration – and agility – essential for PSD2

Bruno Cambounet, VP Banking and Financial Services, Axway, discusses the different approaches to PSD2 in different European markets, the interest of banks outside the SEPA zone – such as in the US – in the competitive implications of access to accounts, and the need for banks to be able to orchestrate open APIs to make payments a seamless part of bigger processes, while retaining flexibility to cope with future change.

/Transaction banking

The platform economy – opening up value chains

Massimo Proverbio, Senior Managing Director and Global Lead, Accenture Payment Services, and Andrew McFarlane, Head of Payments, Ireland and EALA PSD2 Lead, Accenture, discuss how PSD2 and other factors are affecting the economics of the industry for banks.

/Transaction banking

Transaction banks must adapt to speed of change

Marc Recker, Market Manager, Institutional Cash Management, Deutsche Bank, outlines the disruptive forces impacting the correspondent banking business and discusses how incumbent banks can deploy technology to meet rapidly evolving customer needs, comply with regulation and fend off competition.

/Transaction banking

Real-time has changed the mindset of banks

Nicolò Romani, Head of Innovation Lab, SIA, discusses the European instant payments landscape, and how players can succeed in this space.

/Transaction banking

European banks move towards a digital world

Rob Hetherington, Head of Financial Services, SAP, and Jerry Silva, Global Banking Research Director, IDC, discuss the results of the SAP and IDC study 'How Ready Are European Banks for a Digital World Key' points include: how banks respond to digital transformation, the upsides and downsides of a line of business-led innovation approach, and what needs to happen for truly personalised banking services.

/Transaction banking

Collaborate on ‘unknown unknown’ cyber threats

Hinrich Völcker, Head of Cyber Security, Deutsche Bank, discusses the ever-increasing cyber security challenge, the measures banks need to put in place to be confident they are doing everything they can to combat attacks, and the necessity for institutions to work together to present the strongest defence against the cyber-threat.

/Transaction banking

Banks can partner fintechs for creative innovation

Susan Skerritt, Global Head of Institutional Cash Management & Head of Global Transaction Banking Americas, Deutsche Bank, talks about drivers for payments industry transformation, including regulation, cyber risks and increasingly demanding customers, how well banks are doing in addressing the transformation challenge, and the opportunity to collaborate with fintechs.

/Transaction banking

Real-time makes banks first class citizens

Martin Coen, CEO, Dovetail, talks about how the move to standardise instant payment rails and the advent of PSD2 will enable banks to participate more effectively in the open, online ecosystem, and the need for banks to invest both in simplifying and strengthening their payment systems, and in getting products to market more quickly.

/Transaction banking

Banks must start with new use cases for real-time

Salvatore Borgese, Payment Services Director, ICBPI, outlines the Italian approach to instant payments in relation to that of Europe as a whole, and what Italy can learn from experiences in other markets.

/Transaction banking

Banks must move on from panic mode

Marc Braet, CEO, Intix, discusses how the explosion in payments volumes, structures and channels makes it challenging for banks to extract intelligence from their data, and the need for banks to change their attitude to fintechs and move into a new phase of collaboration

/Transaction banking

Important to avoid fragmentation under PSD2

Simon Newstead, Head of Strategic Business Development, VocaLink, pinpoints the key challenges surrounding PSD2, how we can learn from the PSD1 implementation and how well instant payments could work alongside the upcoming regulation.

/Transaction banking

Banks must not stand still

Damian Richardson, RBS discusses how banks can successfully manage the fast-paced changes in the payments industry and how to respond to the post-PSD2 world.