Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

Digital a big opportunity for small banks

Astrid Stolbrink, Head of FSI EMEA Services, SAP, talks about smaller established banks’ advantages when it comes to providing banking anywhere, anytime, and how they can approach breaking down the silos in their organisations to realise this opportunity.

/Transaction banking

There is no one-size-fits-all to instant pricing

Trevor LaFleche, Dovetail, speaks about the findings of the Finextra and Dovetail research paper on the pricing of instant payments, and what banks should be doing in light of the changing climate.

/Transaction banking

The payments cake is growing

Jean-Francois Denis, Deputy Global Head of Cash Management, BNP Paribas and Christophe Vergne, Payments and World Payments Report Leader, Capgemini, talk about the double digit growth revealed in the latest World Payments Report and how this paves the way for banks to launch new instruments, and explore the transformational regulatory landscape and how banks need to react to corporates’ demands for more digitalisation of support functions.

/Transaction banking

Effectiveness key for financial crime compliance

Nicolas Stuckens, Head of Sanctions compliance services, SWIFT, talks about how the compliance discussion has evolved to place a real focus on better fighting financial crime, and on how to leverage utilities to access best of breed solutions, standards and market practice and achieve better quality and effectiveness.

/Transaction banking

Customer value drives changes in payments

Gene Neyer, Industry & Regulatory, Global Payments, D+H, talks about how ISO 20022, PSD2 and real-time are coming together to transform the payments landscape, and the growing recognition that collaboration is needed to deliver value to customers in the payments landscape.

/Transaction banking

Speed, safety and transparency drive innovation

Benoit Dessere, Head of Cash Management, Societe Generale, discusses how innovation is enabling banks to meet customer demand for anytime, anywhere, any device services, and talks about why digitalised information such as e-signatures and e-documents will bring more immediate and significant advantages to cash management than blockchain.

/Transaction banking

We need a sustainable cadence with fintech

Leda Glyptis, Director, Sapient, talks about how emerging technologies are driving evolution in the fintech climate, and how financial institutions are reacting.

/Transaction banking

No real clarity on API projects in Europe

David Bannister, Principal Analyst, Financial Services Technology, Ovum, outlines the progression of blockchain in the last year, and where APIs and immediate payments fit in.

/Transaction banking

Swiss fintechs think before they shoot

Alexandre Gaillard, Invest Glass, discusses the fintech scene in Switzerland, and how artificial intelligence fits into the industry.

/Transaction banking

Faster payments are taking over

Craig Saks, Group President, Strategic Products, ACI Worldwide and Paul Stoddart, Managing Director, Strategy, Products, Marketing & Business Development, VocaLink, discuss the faster payments space, and how the industry needs to respond to any challenges and opportunities that may arise in the future.

/Transaction banking

Blockchain is an enabler, not a disruptor

Gautam Jain, Global Head, Digitisation & Client Access, Transaction banking, Standard Chartered, speaks about how the role of fintech is continuously evolving, and how blockchain can change the industry.

/Transaction banking

Start with the business problem not the technology

Kevin Johnson, Head of Innotribe Innovation Programmes, SWIFT, speaks about how the fintech ecosystem has evolved and trends in competition versus collaboration.

/Transaction banking

Are you ready for the bumpy road of Brexit?

Phil Hussey, Vice President - Industry Strategic Services, UK and Ireland, IBM outlines the impact of a potential Brexit on financial services and how firms should be preparing.

/Transaction banking

Digital transformation is the new frontier

Wim Raymaekers, Global Head of the Banking Market, SWIFT, discusses the changes in the payments industry in the last year, and the next frontiers of innovation in payments.

/Transaction banking

Regtech will help move from big data to smart data

Mathieu Maurier, Global Head of Sales and Relationship Management, Societe Generale Securities Services, explains regtech and where it fits into the industry in relation to fintech.

/Transaction banking

Virtual cash management will be the 2017 buzzword

Dick Oskam, Global Head Sales, Transaction Services, ING, speaks about the key topics that may dominate our conversations next year, and how cash management is changing today.

/Transaction banking

Ceaseless change in transaction services

Susan Skerritt, Chairwoman, CEO and President, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, Global Head of Institutional Cash Management and Head of Global Transaction Banking Americas, Deutsche Bank, discusses the key Sibos themes and how transaction services can face challenges.

/Transaction banking

Digital will enhance client-bank relationship

Marcus Sehr, Global Head of Client Management & Sales, Institutional Cash Management, Deutsche Bank, speaks about the importance of digital services in relationship management, and where banks can explore digitalisation.

/Transaction banking

The state of transaction banking in Asia

Lisa Robins, Head of Global Transaction Banking APAC & Vice-Chair Corporate and Investment Banking APAC, Deutsche Bank, explains the transaction banking climate in Asia and how new entrants may create challenges.

/Transaction banking

Impact of regulation on trade finance for banks

Michael Spiegel, Global Head of Trade Finance & Cash Management Corporates, Deutsche Bank, speaks about where the changes in trade finance are taking place, and how banks are taking action in response to regulatory shifts.