Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

Everybody has a role in tackling cyber threat

Stephen Gilderdale, Managing Director, UK, Ireland and Nordics SWIFT, speaks about the perception of cyber threat, the impact it’s having on the financial community and where SWIFT’s Customer Security Programme fits in.

/Transaction banking

All institutions should be concerned about risk

Dr. Miriam Sinn, Senior Oversight Expert, Deutsche Bundesbank, speaks about how prepared the market is for cyber threats and what can be done to continue working on cyber protection.

/Transaction banking

Dealing with regulatory-led tech transformation

Mathew Wells, Principal, Wavestone, and Marlena Millard, Senior Account Manager (FS), Wavestone, outlines the regulatory change challenges facing CIOs and CROs and how technology can help meet the regulation demands.

/Transaction banking

Your system must be ready to react

Marcel Bronmans, COO, SWIFT, defines the role of operational resilience and how Swift ensures it is carried out.

/Transaction banking

Agile implementation allows higher success rate

Anders Holm, Delivery Director, Nordics, Temenos, outlines the differences between agile implementation and other approaches, and its pros and cons.

/Transaction banking

It’s all about the client, not just digitalisation

Aditya Bhasin, Consumer and Wealth Management CIO, Bank of America, outlines where banking should focus, and how fintechs and banks can practically work alongside each other.

/Transaction banking

Fintechs and banks are complementary

Marwan Naami, Innovation Manager, Startup Program Lead, BNP Paribas, speaks about the importance of collaboration for fintechs and banks and what is happening in the industry to encourage this.

/Transaction banking

Advances in online commerce create challenges

Daniel Maurice-Vallerey and Mike Ausems, co-founders and co-CEOs of Yello, discuss how technology can play a fundamental role in enabling changes in the retail sales environment.

/Transaction banking

Transaction banks need to improve product offering

John Box, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Raphaels Bank, examines how corporate customer’s requirements are changing and where disruption is taking place in transaction banking.

/Transaction banking

PSD2 will transform the payments landscape

PSD2 is unravelled by three Deutsche Bank experts: Christian Fraedrich, Product Manager, Treasury Payments & Euro Clearing, Institutional Cash Management, Jan Lisaus, Head of Cards and Payments, Private & Business Clients, and Christian Schaefer, Head of Payments, Cash Management Corporates. They discuss innovation surrounding the directive, its implications for financial institutions, private individuals, and corporates, and how it will affect the EU market.

/Transaction banking

If you don’t digitalise you will lose the business

Ilkka Ruotsila, Industry Expert, speaks about how digital is changing investors’ needs and what strategic topics incumbent Wealth Managers should be focusing on for their digitalisation journey.

/Transaction banking

The word ‘innovation’ has been used and abused

Senthil Ravindran, Global Head, Fintech Lab, VirtusaPolaris, discusses the challenges banks face in innovating quickly, and what technologies have the most potential for banks.

/Transaction banking

Predictability is important for regulation

Erkki Poutiainen, Strategy Manager, Nordea, discusses the objectives of the regulators, what challenges are presented when looking at regulatory harmonisation and how to create a level playing field.

/Transaction banking

RPA and robo should be part of automation strategy

Bob Graham, Global Solutions Head, Banking and Financial Services, VirtusaPolaris, speaks about how robotics and AI are being further adopted in the payments industry and what needs to happen to ensure this continues going forwards.

/Transaction banking

How can tech create a better user experience?

Heikki Härkönen, Head of Business Development, Business Innovation, Nordea, speaks about the mega trends in the payments industry and how technology will evolve this space.

/Transaction banking

Digitalisation is about the business

Paul Thomalla, Senior Vice President Global Corporate Relations & Development, ACI Worldwide, outlines key aspects of the digitalisation discussion in the payments industry, where open APIs fit in, and how the banks are reacting to these changes.

/Transaction banking

Blockchain needs business standards

Stephen Lindsay, Head of Standards at Swift, discusses how the industry can best approach the development of the business standards needed to ensure that blockchain developments don’t create islands of automation that cannot interoperate.

/Transaction banking

More consensus needed for faster payments

Sean Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Faster Payments Strategy Leader, Federal Reserve System, summarises the US faster payments landscape, and what needs to be done to create a united faster payments solution.

/Transaction banking

Open APIs drive big data progress

Andy Hirst, VP Banking Solutions, SAP, discusses the big trends in big data – unstructured, openness, machine learning – and explores the challenges banks still face in exploiting the value of their data to the max.

/Transaction banking

Build innovation into organisational competencies

Amir Wain, Founder & CEO of i2c, talks about the challenges for financial institutions of the increasing pace of change, the need to innovate on an ongoing – not a one-off – basis, and the opportunity to go beyond cost-cutting and generate new revenues by integrating payments more deeply into the lives of customers.