Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

Creating value through the smarter use of client data

Graham Ray, Global Head of Product Management, Securities Services, Deutsche Bank talks about the importance of using data to drive value to their clients in securities services. Why this is important and how to unlock the data you need and make better use of it through analytical tools and techniques to improve the services you offer.

/Transaction banking

Clients have to understand their customers beyond onboarding

Dominic Mac, Global Head of KYC Industry Solutions, Thomson Reuters, talks about how regulation enforcement, cost monitoring and 4AMLD have challenged the industry around KYC and COB, how the challenges have impacted client relationships and what FIs are doing to address them.

/Transaction banking

The role of collateral management solutions in relation to T2S

Pablo Cavia, Director of Business Transformation, Axis Corporate, talks about the T2S project and how successful it has been in the 10 years since it started, what impact T2S has had on CSDs and how this will affect post trade securities in the future.

/Transaction banking

Banks bringing the benefits of GPI

Wim Raymaekers, Head of Banking Market and SWIFT gpi, SWIFT, talks about global payments innovation as the new standard for handling cross-border payments, how banks are collaborating to make the most of this initiative by creating new business opportunities and what we can expect to hear from this year’s Sibos sessions on gpi.

/Transaction banking

Financial crime compliance continues to be top of mind

Tony Wicks, Head of AML and Fraud Prevention Initiatives, SWIFT, highlights what key drivers will influence the compliance debate at Sibos this year, what event attendees can expect to hear during compliance sessions and what is in store for 2018 and beyond.

/Transaction banking

Corporates now expect immediate satisfaction from their banks

Conor Colleary, Vice President and Head of Solution Consulting, Oracle Financial Services Business Unit, talks about the expectations corporates have of their banks, how banks are responding, the effect these challenges will have on them as they aim to provide increasingly digitally based, real-time services and whether they are prepared.

/Transaction banking

Banks’ four pillar strategy for real-time payments

Conor Colleary, Vice President and Head of Solution Consulting, Oracle Financial Services Business Unit, talks about how banks are meeting the technology demands of real-time payments by becoming more holistic, flexible, innovative and collaborative, whether real-time compounds the problem banks have managing legacy infrastructure and building new platforms and what strategies they should adopt in the future to enhance innovation.

/Transaction banking

Research reveals new payments drivers

Wim Raymaekers , Head of Banking Market and SWIFT gpi, SWIFT, introduces SWIFT’s new research with BCG, and talks about the changes payment platforms and processes are currently undergoing, the main drivers behind this and how the industry will evolve in the future.

/Transaction banking

A closer look at TIPs

Jerry Norton, Vice President, Financial Services, CGI, talks about the ECB’s planned new settlement service TIPS, what this is designed to offer, why it is controversial, and the market’s reaction so far.

/Transaction banking

ISO 20022: The common language of choice

Stephen Lindsay, Head of Standards, SWIFT, and Carlo Palmers, Head of Market Infrastructures, SWIFT, describe the state of play with ISO 20022 globally, the key success factors for adoption, and what market infrastructures specifically need from ISO 20022.

/Transaction banking

Setting the standard in an always on, digital world

Fabio Grignani, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, SIA, talks about how the increased volume of digital transactions and changing expectations of payments systems are impacting companies’ business continuity and demanding that they modernize their business architectures through innovation.

/Transaction banking

A recipe for quality customer experience

Mike Plimsoll, Industry Marketing Director, Adobe, talks about how efficient use of data, creativity flow, effective processing and people interaction are the key ingredients for quality customer experience.

/Transaction banking

Experimentation and failure key for innovation

Nektarios Liolios, Co-Founder & CEO of Startupbootcamp, and Anton Tomic Global Head of Financial Services Business Development, SAP, talk at the SAP Financial Services Forum about innovation and how it requires both an acceleration in engagement and investment, as well as a joining of forces between internal and external efforts to innovate.

/Transaction banking

Banking partners need common objectives

Jarkko Turunen, Head of Open Banking Development, Nordea, speaks at the SAP Financial Services Forum in London about what the main drivers for partner collaboration are, including cost reduction and client experience, which in turn is improved by boosting innovation with new and niche markets.

/Transaction banking

Key drivers raise the bar in retail

Aneet Morar, Head of Partnerships and Ecosystem Development, Lloyds Banking Group, talks at the SAP Financial Services Forum about how key drivers - regulation, technology disruption and new customer expectations - are changing the retail banking landscape, and what banks must do to do keep up as well as protect themselves.

/Transaction banking

Brexit and Trump: Regulatory change

Alexander Robson, Thomson Reuters, talks to us about the direction the FCA is taking this year in respect to upcoming regulatory challenges such as Brexit, the changes in regulation we might see from Trump’s presidency, and further developments as a result of these issues.

/Transaction banking

Automation leads the way in expense compliance

Chris Baker, Managing Director, EMEA North & South Africa, Concur, speaks at the SAP Financial Services Forum about developments in expense compliance and the role automation plays in end to end management solutions and quantifying value in terms of cost and policy compliance.

/Transaction banking

PSD2 causes disruption to the status quo

Stephen Lemon, Co-Founder, VP Business Development, Currencycloud, speaks at the SAP Financial Services Forum about PSD2 in the context of open APIs – comparing the option of simply complying with the option of getting ahead by leveraging APIs for collaboration.

/Transaction banking

Accurate information gives better and quicker decisions

David McCarthy, Chief Financial Officer, Atom bank, talks at the SAP Financial Services Forum about how leveraging analytics in real-time can benefit the finance area in banks by giving more accurate information, improving the decision-making process and responsiveness to market change, and therefore providing a better product.

/Transaction banking

Regtech to make compliance process more efficient

Richard Anderson, Richard Anderson, Head of Product Management, Regulatory Intelligence, Thomson Reuters, talks to us about the challenges of regulatory change and why automation is necessary to address these challenges, and why firms will start to use regtech to improve their compliance processes.