Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

Partnerships key to open platform access

Nick Sylvester, Global Partner Director, Thomson Reuters, talks about the importance of partnerships, what the critical areas of partnerships will be for the coming year and why open platforms and collaboration with partners benefit clients.

/Transaction banking

Building a culture of compliance

Abhishek Shukla, Global Head of Compliance Learning, Thomson Reuters, talks about the importance of ‘building a culture of compliance’ and the efforts organisations are taking to promote this within their businesses. Abhishek discusses how organizations are being challenged to comply with growing regulatory demands and what new technology solutions compliance teams are incorporating into their programmes to meet these demands.

/Transaction banking

Building the real-time rails

Paul Thomalla, SVP Global Corporate Relations & Development, ACI Worldwide, talks about real-time payments and the differences between Europe and the US, how real-time is likely to affect both businesses and consumers, and how schemes are likely to develop in the future.

/Transaction banking

Banks embracing the regulatory challenge

Banks embracing the regulatory challenge Ian Clark, Sr Director, EMEA API Management Solutions Sales, CA Technologies, talks about the findings from CA Technologies and Finextra’s research paper on PSD2, whether banks can expect a different regulatory landscape in the year to come and what new products and services we can expect to see from banks in the open banking environment.

/Transaction banking

Real-time success in Sweden

Carina Olsson, Director of Payments, Bankgirot, talks about the next generation of banking, what key opportunities real-time payments offer, why faster payments have been such a success in Sweden and what the next step is in this space.

/Transaction banking

Blockchain key catalyst for innovation

Luca Corsini, Global Co-Head, Global Transaction Banking, UniCredit, talks about the innovations and trends around transaction banking, what impact new technologies such as blockchain have in this space, what role fintechs owe to the development of solutions and how technological change is influencing supply-chain finance.

/Transaction banking

Leveraging data and analytics for digital customer engagement

Following a recent breakfast event by Temenos and Finextra, Kam Chana - Digital Strategist at Temenos, discusses some of the key findings on how financial institutions can leverage data and analytics for digital customer engagement, addressing key drivers such as customer expectations and changing technology.

/Transaction banking

Utilising technology through culture change

Kam Chana, Digital Strategist, Temenos, talks at NextGen Banking Nordics about the most pressing challenges around digital transformation, what banks can do about culture change within an organisation and how culture change within a bank can help its ability to deliver new technology.

/Transaction banking

Insuretech: moving beyond the 20th Century

Christer Braaf, CEO & Co-founder, Insurance Simplified, talks about how insurers are responding to technology opportunities, whether the culture of insurers benefits from insuretech and what challenges and opportunities IoT presents for insuretech.

/Transaction banking

Enabling liquidity and virtual account management

Ilkka Korkiakoski, VP, Head of Tieto Transaction Banking, and Petri Syvänne, Head of Tieto Global Payment and CM Sales and Business Dev, talk at NextGen Banking Nordics about corporate banking and liquidity management in the context of PSD2, the nature of virtual account management and how the transaction banking business is likely to develop in the next two years.

/Transaction banking

The rising role of corporate treasury

Ritu Singh, Head of Market Development, Corporate Treasury, Thomson Reuters, discusses the outlook for corporate treasurers in 2018 taking into account the current state of geopolitical affairs, what the business role will look like short- to medium-term, which regulations are likely to most affect the industry and what will be the biggest challenges in the year to come.

/Transaction banking

The long life of AI

Kyle Thomas, Head of Worldwide Sales, Saffron Technology, Intel, talks at Sibos 2017 about why financial institutions should invest in artificial intelligence to stay in business, how it has transformed the industry, and whether it will become mainstream in banks in order to meet regulatory requirements.

/Transaction banking

Setting new key beliefs for tomorrow

Karianne Undrum Melleby, Head of Partnerships, DNB, talks at NextGen Banking Nordics about working with corporate innovation and open banking, what challenges there are within this arena and what corporates can do to be more innovative and open up.

/Transaction banking

An increase in resilience for the banking industry

Ilkka Ruotsila, Regional Director, Nordic & Baltic Countries, Deposit Solutions, talks at NextGen Banking Nordics about the main drivers behind open banking and in what way it is transforming banks and the whole financial industry.

/Transaction banking

Fighting financial crime with FISPs

Malcolm Wright, Head of AML and Transaction Monitoring, Thomson Reuters, talks about the new financial information-sharing partnership approach that is emerging to detect, prevent and dismantle financial crime networks, the benefits this approach between financial institutions and law enforcement agencies presents business around the world, how sharing information will help to combat money laundering within the banking system and what organisations should be doing in order to be part of this movement.

/Transaction banking

Supporting integration to boost the ecosystem

Jarkko Leppälahti, CEO, XMLdation, talks at NextGen Banking Nordics about the value open banking brings to corporate banking, how the industry is delivering open banking and what ecosystem is needed for this to be successful.

/Transaction banking

A shift from consumer towards business oriented services

Johan Lundberg, Founding Partner & CEO, NFT Ventures, talks at NextGen Banking Nordics about the key trends that have driven change within the fintech scene during 2017, how the fintech scene will develop during 2018 and whether fintechs and banks are doing enough to effectively collaborate.

/Transaction banking

Expect many winners with the arrival of PSD2

Lars Sjögren, Global Head of Transaction Banking, Danske Bank, talks at NextGen Banking Nordics about whether the financial community is truly ready for the arrival of PSD2, how are banks preparing to take advantage of the opportunities it brings and how it will evolve in the future.

/Transaction banking

Finding the friction and moving forward

Paul Francis Walvik Joynt, Engagement Director, NETS, talks at NextGen Banking the use cases and impacts of Instant Payments, what this means in the context of digitalisation and whether there are opportunities arising from interoperability and the wide spread adoption of Instant Payments.

/Transaction banking

Three barriers to digitalisation

Mike Walker, Head of Solution Enablement, Transaction Banking, Finastra, talks at NextGen Banking Nordics about what the main barriers to digitalisation in transaction banking are, how they can be overcome and what impact these new technologies and market entrants are having on the relationship between corporates and their bank.