Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

The progression of SWIFT GPI

Marc Recker, Global Head of Institutional Market Management, Cash Management, Deutsche Bank, talks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney about how SWIFT’s global payment initiative is progressing, how transformative the initiative is, what opportunities it offers, and how it drives innovation and value for the corporate sector.

/Transaction banking

'Navigating your Next' in the Digital Arms-race

Mohit Joshi, President of Infosys, speaks at the Infosys Finacle Conclave 2018 in Antwerp, about the cycle of disruption caused by digital and how banks should 'navigate their next' in the digital arms-race.

/Transaction banking

Setting new bench marks for growth and operational excellence

Julian Sawyer, Chief Operating Officer, Starling Bank, speaks at the Infosys Finacle 2018 Conclave in Antwerp, about what it takes to build a successful digital only bank, how digital banks can differentiate themselves from their larger rivals, and how Starling bank is setting new bench marks for growth.

/Transaction banking

Enabling Banks to Accelerate Digital

Madhivanan Balakrishnan, Chief Technology & Digital Officer, ICICI Bank, speaks at the Infosys Finacle Conclave in Antwerp, about the key technologies impacting the industry today, and what banks need to do to accelerate digital.

/Transaction banking

Significant steps forward in Blockchain

David Collins, Head of Financial Services, GFT Technologies, explains the reasons behind slow adoption of blockchain within in the financial market in particular, where progress is being seen most, and how the market is likely to react to these findings.

/Transaction banking

Addressing the Consolidation, Regulatory and Technology Challenges

Didier Bouillard, CEO of Calypso Technology discusses at Sibos 2018 in Sydney the challenges that financial institutions are currently facing, how Calypso technology is solving these issues, and how the markets will evolve in the future.

/Transaction banking

The convergence of retail and banking services

Matthew Phillips, VP, Banking Diebold Nixdorf UK&I, speaks at Diebold Nixdorf's International Management Seminar in Lisbon, about whether digital transformation is keeping up with customer expectations, what key trends financial services should be watching closely, and how banks can improve their customers' experiences.

/Transaction banking

Banks taking a more agile development approach

Rachid Molinary, Senior Vice President of Digital Strategy and Innovation Banco Popular der Puerto Rico, speaks at Diebold Nixdorf's International Management Seminar in Lisbon, about what banks should do to when taking a more agile development approach, how ATMs are coming both contactless and pinless, and how using the customer journey will improve the customer experience.

/Transaction banking

Critical banking strategies and modernisation

Chantal Constable, VP & Head of Retail Banking UK, CGI, talks about the importance of modernisation, what a transformed bank looks like, and how traditional banks should begin their journey to modernisation.

/Transaction banking

Open Banking and the changing ecosystem

Sean Devaney, VP, UK Banking and Strategy, CGI, talks about the importance of Open Banking as a new initiative, the ways in which it can be implemented how it will improve the customer journey.

/Transaction banking

Bringing together the vision of connected commerce

Gerrard Schmid, President and Chief Executive Officer Diebold Nixdorf, speaks at Diebold Nixdorf's International Management Seminar in Lisbon, about how banks need to support their customers through multi-channels as a result of digitisation, what is driving mobile banking, where the potential is for retail banks, and whether cash is really becoming extinct.

/Transaction banking

Data and the future success of banks

Andy Schmidt, VP & Global Head of Retail Banking, CGI, talks about the importance of data for banks, whether banks are managing data in the right way, and whats steps they can take to better utilise the data.

/Transaction banking

Digitising Banking and The Future of CLM

Niall Twomey, Chief Technology Officer, Fenergo, talks about the type of innovations and technologies Fenergo's R&D team are working on, what financial institutions want and expect from their technology stack, and what role Fenergo's CTO forum plays in advancing Fenergo's vision.

/Transaction banking

Transforming the protection and security of banks

Jerry Norton, Vice President and Global Head of Banking for CGI, talks about security and protection for banks, how protection will transform in the future, and what banks can do to protect themselves and their customers.

/Transaction banking

Communicating digitally with customers on multiple channels

Andy Schmidt, VP & Global Head of Retail Banking, CGI, talks about the transforming banking value chain and the of role the big tech retailers, and whether banks are doing enough to protect the customer face.

/Transaction banking

The combined effect of Open Banking and Real-time Payments

Jerry Norton, Vice President and Global Head of Banking for CGI, talks about how the combined effect of Open Banking and real-time payments on banks and what they need to do to adapt to the changing landscape.

/Transaction banking

The role of compliance as banks seek to move to SaaS models

Brian Charlick, Principal consultant at CGI, talks about how the market is adapting to having to undertake large non-core activity, whether there is a need for assurance of compliance as a requirement of the market, and whether the pressure of increased regulation is impacting the operation of Banks.

/Transaction banking

Learning from 10 years of faster payments

Sean Devaney, VP, UK Banking and Strategy, CGI, talks about the lessons learnt from the introduction of previous real-time payments schemes, whether these lessons are being employed in more recent endeavours and what banks should be considering when adopting a move to real-time.

/Transaction banking

Introducing The Australian Open Banking Initiative

Jerry Norton, Vice President and Global Head of Banking for CGI, talks about how the Australian Open Banking Initiative is coming into effect in July 2019 and what this means, whether there are any differences in the way Australia is applying open Banking to what is happening in Europe and the UK, and what Australian banks should be doing now to assure success.

/Transaction banking

The silver bullet solution to payments system testing

Anthony Walton, CEO, Iliad, talks about the key findings from their recent research paper on the topic of payments testing approaches taken by UK banks, what part automation plays in payments system testing and to what extent banks will adopt this approach in the future.