Transaction banking

1043 articles tagged with this keyword

/Transaction banking

'Trusted Life Connections' and taking a partner-centric approach

Jorn Lambert, Executive VP, Digital Solutions, Mastercard, speaks about the theme for this year's Mobile World Congress, 'Trusted Life Connections', what makes a successful partnership and how Mastercard's partner-centric model is improving consumers digital experience.

/Transaction banking

The State of Regulatory Reform

Alex Robson, Managing Editor, Regulatory Intelligence, Thomson Reuters, speaks about the main regulatory developments we can expect to see this year, why culture is so important and why the Australian Royal Commission is significant beyond Australian shores.

/Transaction banking

Redefining the trade finance asset class ecosystem

Michel Kilzi, Managing Partner, FINEON Exchange, speaks about the trade finance market today, what technological innovations are present of FINEON's marketplace, and what the future of trade finance looks like.

/Transaction banking

Industry challenges around IBOR Transition

Andrew Kouloumbrides, CEO, Xceptor and Bruce Laing, Partner, IBOR Transition lead, Baringa, speaks about the industry challenges around IBOR Transition, what Financial Institutions have done up to date to meet these challenges and what to expect next.

/Transaction banking

FinTech, RegTech & The Role of Compliance

Stacey English, Head of Regulatory Intelligence, Thomson Reuters, speaks about how regtech is changing compliance, the challenges firms need to overcome to be able to implement new technology like regtech, what impact regtech will have on compliance functions in practice and how engaged compliance and boards are in the assessment and adoption of new technology.

/Transaction banking

Trust, Identity and Security around Open Banking

John Knuff, Vice President of Global Ecosystems, Equinix, speaks about trust, identity, and cross-border payments, and how open banking, PSD2 and fintech partnerships are changing the financial ecosystem.

/Transaction banking

Testing in a customer experience context

George Stein, Business Development UK, XMLdation, speaks at NextGen Banking Nordics about trends in the payments and API space, whether testing is becoming more relevant and how this relates to the customer experience.

/Transaction banking

SFTR reporting for end users

Andrew Kouloumbrides, CEO, Xceptor and Val Wotton, Managing Director, Product Development & Strategy, Derivatives & Collateral Management, DTCC, talk about the challenges around Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR) reporting for end users and what firms can do in preparation for upcoming compliance obligations.

/Transaction banking

Gaining value added services from instant payments

Domenico Scaffidi, Business Development Director and Payments Pre-sales lead for Europe and Asia, Volante, speaks at NextGenBanking Nordics about what added value services financial institutions can gain from instant payments, what technological barriers there are to delivering new use cases for modernisation and where banks are today.

/Transaction banking

Interconnection and data at the edge

Eleni Coldrey, Business Development Director - EMEA lead for innovation in Financial Services, Equinix, talks about interconnection and data at the edge, what the biggest hurdles are around Open Banking and how interconnection is helping to support Open Banking.

/Transaction banking

Trends of the foreign exchange today

Angus Scott, Head of Product, CLS, speaks at Sibos about the major trends around foreign exchange settlement today, what initiatives CLS are taking to attract more users and volumes over the CLS Settlement service and how the increasing adoption of new technology is impacting the services CLS provides today.

/Transaction banking

Innovating from the outside in

Craig Young, Chief Information Officer, SWIFT, speaks at SOFE 2018 about the importance of innovation to SWIFTS growth and relevance for the future and which technology trends in the market are most promising.

/Transaction banking

Easing payment friction with payment pre-validation

Marc Delbaere, Head of Corporates and Trade, SWIFT, speaks about how SWIFT is driving transformation in cross border payments, how payments pre-validation would help ease payments friction for banks and what barriers remain around the adoption of pre-validation.

/Transaction banking

Changing attitudes towards Cyber Security

Dawn Gabay, Cyber Security Specialist, Atos, speaks about changing consumer attitudes towards cyber security, what actions financial organisations need to take to improve customer experience and their security, and why this is essential for keeping loyal customers.

/Transaction banking

The fight against financial crime

Richard Grint, Financial Services Expert, PA Consulting, speaks at NextGen Nordics 2018 in Stockholm about the biggest trends in the Financial Crime Compliance space, how important new technologies will be in the fight against Financial Crime and what impact they will have on the public sector.

/Transaction banking

The future of banking and owning the customer

Dr. Markos Zachariadis, associate professor of Information Systems Management and Innovation at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, and fintech research fellow at CDI in University of Cambridge, speaks at SOFE 2018 about the evolution of banks' business models, what challenges remain around Open Banking and how banks can stay competitive.

/Transaction banking

Achieving common ground and terminology for Open Banking

Sami Uski, Head of Business Development, Banking, Tieto, speaks at NextGen Nordics 2018 in Stockholm about Open Banking, what will be the main factors influencing the development of Open banking and APIs, and with less than a year since PSD2, whether banks have adapted to the regulation.

/Transaction banking

Cooperation, cocreation and cost efficiency for agile product development

Fredrik von Roth, Key Account Manager, Bankgirot, speaks at NextGen Banking Nordics 2018 in Stockholm about the key components for banks and organizations trying to keep up with client's increasing demands, some examples of successful, agile product development and what’s driving the dramatic transaction volume increase in the payments market.

/Transaction banking

European payments market infrastructure renewal

Saskia Devolder, Head of Western and Central Europe, SWIFT, speaks at SOFE 2018 in Amsterdam about the transformation underway in European Payments as a result of the Eurosystem and others setting a clear timetable for market infrastructure renewal, whats driving this, and how the industry is responding.

/Transaction banking

Creating a culture that customers can subscribe to

Tabitha Cooper, Innovation Manager, Intrapreneur, Lead Business Developer, Nordea, speaks at NextGen Banking Nordics 2018 in Stockholm about how to create a culture change that customers can subscribe to, how a culture change programme changes a business and how this is addressed within a bank.