
1681 articles tagged with this keyword


Canadians top for online banking

Canadians lead the way when it comes to Internet banking adoption, with over two thirds of the country's Web users - around 15.5 million people - managing their finances online, according to figures from Web metrics firm comScore.


Buy-side OMS spending to soar - TowerGroup

Global buy-side spending on order management systems (OMS) is set to rise from $450 million in 2008 to $699 million in 2012 - a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% - according to research from TowerGroup.


M-payments value to hit $300bn in 2013 - Juniper

The gross transaction value of payments made via mobile phones will grow over five times to exceed $300 billion globally by 2013, according to a new report from Juniper Research.


EuroCCP claims lowest clearing costs in Europe

If European firms used the EuroCCP platform to clear all trades, the industry could slash costs and save around EUR350 million a year, claims the DTCC subsidiary.


UK study highlights fraud fears over contactless cards

Over three quarters of Brits fear the introduction of contactless payment systems will leave them exposed to fraud, according to a new survey.


E-commerce booming in Latin America and Caribbean - Visa

Online retail spending by consumers in Latin America and the Caribbean soared 40% in 2007 to hit US$10.9 billion, according to a study commissioned by Visa.


Web 2.0 finance opens the door to ID theft - TowerGroup

Non-bank personal finance Web sites put customers at risk with lax security and should be made to adhere to the same regulations as traditional online banks, says a new TowerGroup report.


PayPal celebrates 10 years in business

Ten years after the service was first launched, PayPal says it now processes some $2000 in payments every second and transactions conducted via its system represent about nine per cent of e-commerce globally.


Banks face five year wait to recover lost revenue from Sepa

Almost half of European banks expect it to take over five years to replace payments-related revenue lost following the introduction of the European Union's single euro payments area (Sepa), while 13% say they will never be able to recover the lost revenue, according to a poll by e-payments outfit Fundtech.


Crunch to spur IT outsourcing - study

Hit by the credit crunch, banks are looking to outsource operations as a way of deferring investment in their technology infrastructures, according to research from business advisory outfit EquaTerra.


Credit crunch to boost demand for outsourcing - report

The credit crunch will drive a wave of outsourcing and offshoring in financial services as cash becomes tighter and banks look to cut costs, according to a UK study.


Banking regulators move to tackle liquidity risk

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued new draft guidelines for the management and supervision of liquidity risk, aimed at making the global banking system more resilient and addressing weaknesses revealed by the credit crunch.


Unbanked to drive mobile finance - study

More than 41.5 billion financial transactions will be carried out by mobile phone by the end of 2011 as unbanked consumers adopt the technology to access banking services, according to a study by Juniper Research.


Mobile commerce growing in the US

Just 3.6% of US mobile subscribers - 9.2 million people - use their phone to pay for goods and services, but around half (49%) expect to do so in future, according to data from Nielson Mobile.


Industry association to probe exchange clearing

The Futures and Options Association (FOA) is to probe plans by IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) and Liffe to establish clearing houses in Europe as part of a larger investigation into the exchange clearing business in the region.


Wall Street IT budgets holding up

Despite write downs and personnel cuts following the credit crunch, Wall Street firms are continuing to invest in IT - particularly risk technology - and expect budgets to increase next year, according to research released by IBM and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (Sifma).


Sell-side to increase spending on equity analytics - Tabb

With the emphasis on managing risk at an all-time high, spending on equity analytics by global sell-side firms will rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of five per cent through to 2012, says a new Tabb Group report.


Trial of personal carbon trading system launched in UK

A new scheme that utilises the Nectar card loyalty platform to provide customers with real-time calculations of personal energy use and carbon emissions has been launched in the UK.


Serious Organised Crime Agency warns on cyber gangs

The UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) has issued a stark warning about the growing number of international crime gangs that are using the Internet to steal and trade confidential personal data.


Mobile to become 'fourth channel' for retailers - study

Mobile phones are becoming a major purchasing channel for consumers and represent a huge opportunity for e-tailers to capture new revenue, according to research from Cisco Systems.