
1330 articles tagged with this keyword


Internet banking growth slows in US

After years of accelerating rates, the growth in online banking take-up in the US began to slow in 2007, according to a study from Web metrics firm comScore which also shows that whilst the majority of Americans are happy with their service there is growing interest in features such as mobile banking, online chat and widgets.


Credit crunch to cost 20,000 City jobs

As many as 20,000 City jobs will be culled over the next two years as a result of the global credit crunch, according to a report from the centre for economics and business research (CEBR) which warns that the employment downturn will be worse than during the dotcom crash.


Credit card customers want to manage accounts online - study

The majority of credit card holders want to manage their accounts via the Web, according to a UK study from customer research outfit Global Reviews which found that Lloyds TSB provided the best online experience for card customers.


US online retail spending to rise - study

A new study from Forrester Research predicts that despite the current economic gloom, online retail spending by US consumers will rise by 17% this year to $204 billion.


Fifth of Americans hit by account hackers

Around 21% of US adults have had their bank account details stolen by online thieves, according to research published by European smart card vendor Gemalto.


Stolen bank details going cheap on the Web

Cyber criminals are selling stolen bank account and credit card details for knock down prices at online supermarkets as part of a thriving and maturing underground economy, according to Internet security outfit Symantec.


Bank of America partners MIT for banking research lab

Bank of America is investing up to $25 million over five years in a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to create a banking research and development laboratory.


Precise Biometrics gets SKr5.7m grant for EU authentication project

Sweden's Precise Biometrics has been awarded a research grant worth SKr5.7 million to participate in an EU-funded project to develop an advanced identity management system that combines fingerprint biometrics and cryptography


Bank IT spending to slow

Spending on technology by banks and securities trading firms is slowing down as the effects of the credit crunch start to take hold, according to the latest survey from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).


Cash is no longer king - survey

Brits now prefer to use plastic cards for paying for everyday purchases rather than notes and coins, according to a new survey by personal finance Web site, Motley Fool.


Top tier bonanza in store for core banking vendors - CapGemini

Core banking systems vendors could be on the verge of a bonanza in license fee sales, as top tier institutions look to replace their ageing legacy systems with new modular packaged applications, says international consultancy CapGemini.


Banks switching to 'process utilities' service model to cut costs - study

More than a third of the cost-reduction measures implemented by financial institutions in the past three years have failed to deliver the required savings and as a result banks are turning to a new process utility model based around the concept of shared services, to boost efficiency, says consultancy Booz Allen Hamilton.


E-trading driving FX markets - CME Group

FX traders expect electronic trading growth to gain momentum faster than previously expected, says a global survey released by CME Group which predicts that on average, more than 80% of all cash business will be executed electronically in 2010.


Spending on OTC derivatives automation to surge - Tabb

Banks will spend $70 million on automating over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives processing in 2008, rising to $120 million in 2010 - a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30%, according to estimates from Tabb Group.


Security fears hindering take up of mobile P2P payments - study

A new study from Javelin Strategy & Research shows that security concerns are continuing to prevent take-up of mobile person-to-person (P2P) payments, with just one in ten Americans willing use the services.


Americans not interested in m-banking

Despite efforts by financial institutions to provide and promote mobile banking and payments services, over half of US consumers - 53% - have no interest in using their handsets for banking or commerce, according to a survey by Harris Interactive.


Money launderers abusing m-payments networks, US warns

The rise in mobile banking and payment networks across the world is creating new opportunities for money laundering and terrorist financing, according to a report by the US Department of State.


Card fraud abroad pushes UK losses up 25%

New figures released by UK payments association Apacs shows that industry losses from plastic card fraud jumped by 25% to £535.2 million last year, driven by a hefty 77% rise in fraud committed on UK cards abroad.


Carbon trading offers major opportunity for broker-dealers - TowerGroup

Broker dealers seeking new, high margin products will increasingly look to carbon emissions trading but will need to invest in technology if they are to take advantage of this growing market, according to research from analyst house TowerGroup.


Brits worth £361bn to online fraudsters

Internet users in the UK could lose as much as £10,077 per year as a result of online identity fraud, according to a YouGov survey for digital security firm VeriSign.