
1351 articles tagged with this keyword


Lack of standards hindering European e-invoicing take up - survey

Over a third of big businesses in Europe are shying away from electronic invoicing because of a perceived complexity and lack of standards, according to a survey commissioned by vendor Iron Mountain.


Widespread NFC adoption still two years away - industry survey

Widespread adoption of contactless mobile payments is still at least two years away thanks to poor coordination between industry players, according to a survey from vendor Sybase 365.


Retail banks still resisting social media - Ovum

Despite the hype, nearly two thirds of the world's retail banks have no plans in place to use social media in any way, according to research from Ovum.


US identity fraud plummets - Javelin

The number of American identity fraud victims dropped by 28% to 8.1 million in 2010 with total losses also down $19 billion on the previous year, according to an annual report from Javelin Strategy & Research.


Banks must retool payments businesses as revenues dip - BCG

Global payments revenues - which typically constitute a third to a half of most banks' total revenues - fell at a compound annual rate of seven per cent from the end of 2008 through 2010, according to figures from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).


European exchanges up their game in face of dark pool competition - ITG

European stock exchanges have become more efficient and slashed the cost of trading over the last year as they bid to fight off growing competition from a rash of post-MiFID dark pool and MTF competitors, according to research from ITG.


Contactless iPhone: Hype or harbinger of things to come?

With the hype building ahead of Apple's widely expected step into contactless payments through the upcoming iPhone 5, IDC Financial Insights analyst Aaron McPherson has moved to dampen over-excited expectations.


UK financial services industry loses £3.6bn a year to fraud - NFA

The financial services industry loses around £3.6 billion a year to fraudsters, around 10% of the entire fraud cost to the UK economy, according to a government organisation.


HFT makes up 77% of UK market - Tabb

High-frequency trading accounts for over three quarters of transactions in the UK equity market, according to research from Tabb Group.


Better cooperation between branch and online is top priority for European banks

Improving cooperation between branch, Internet and call centre channels is the top strategic priority for nearly half of Europe's retail banks in 2011, according to a report from Efma and Finalta


US organisations upbeat on PCI compliance

US organisations are broadly positive about the value of PCI compliance, with 70% arguing that they are more secure than they would be if the requirements were not in place, according to a Cisco-commissioned survey.


American cash usage on the wane - Aite

US consumers' use of notes and coins is set to fall by around 17% by 2015 but the cashless society is still a long way off, according to research from Aite.


Global retail banking IT spending set for strong growth - Ovum

Global spending on retail banking technology is set to jump by nearly a quarter over the next five years, hitting $132 billion, according to analyst house Ovum.


North American bank IT spending on the up - Celent

Following a rocky couple of years, North American bank IT spending is recovering, with a four per cent rise this year to $53.4 billion, according to research house Celent.


Watchdogs warn on risk data deficiencies

Financial services firms around the world have made significant progress in developing risk appetite frameworks with many embarking on multi-year IT infrastructure projects but significant work lies ahead, according to a report from regulators.


Americans ditching cheques for electronic payments

Americans are increasingly turning their backs on cheques in favour of electronic payment methods, particularly debit cards, according to a study from the Federal Reserve.


European e-commerce fraud attempts fall as e-retailers prepare for Mega Monday

As retailers prepare for record online sales in the build up to Christmas, research from Deutsche Bank suggests that levels of e-commerce related fraud attempts fell in 2010.


UK CFOs still wary of the cloud

Despite stagnant IT budgets, many mid-sized UK financial services firms are still wary of making cloud-related investments, concerned about security and data control, according to research commissioned by SunGard.


Financial services firms gearing up for social media investment - Aite

Most US and European financial services firms still consider themselves social media novices or beginners but there is a widespread expectation that there will be significant investment in this new marketing medium over the next five years.


Call for regulators to act on m-payments money laundering risks

With mobile person-to-person money transfer services gaining traction, regulators need to act to address associated risks such as money laundering, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.