
303 articles tagged with this keyword


Quarter of Brits wary of real-time payments security

An international survey on the uptake, trust, and future of real-time payments (RTP) from global analytics software leader FICO highlights the need for UK banks to focus on building confidence in the security of the payment method.


Bank analysts have better job satisfaction because of AI - survey

Alteryx, Inc., an AI platform for enterprise analytics, today reveals that over nine in ten (95%) of data analysts in banks have seen an uplift in their role’s strategic impact in the past year as investments in AI and analytics automation reshaped the industry.


US Faster Payments Council report on digital assets and financial inclusion

The US Faster Payments Council (FPC), a membership organization devoted to advancing safe, easy-to-use faster payments in the United States, today announced the publication of a new industry report, Digital Assets and Digital Ledger Technology: A Pathway to Financial Inclusiveness.


UK employees lose £690 million annually in unclaimed and unpaid expenses

New independent research from embedded finance specialist Weavr, conducted via Censuswide, found that employees lose an estimated £690 million annually in unclaimed and unpaid expenses in the UK alone. Surveying over 500 office workers in the UK, Weavr learned that 81% of respondents had been left out of pocket by their employer for longer than a month, leading to financial and mental health concerns.


Nacha report on potential impact of quantum computing on payments

Nacha’s Payments Innovation Alliance, a membership program bringing together diverse global stakeholders seeking to transform the payments industry, has published Protecting Payments in the Quantum Era: What You Need to Know.


Survey shows rise in chargeback abuse

As eCommerce sales continue to hit record highs, merchants around the globe are seeing a correlated rise in illegitimate disputes by cardholders through card-not-present (CNP) transactions.


Banks to use GenAI for shift to instant payments

New research from RedCompass Labs, a world leader in payments modernization, has revealed that over half (54%) of banks are planning to leverage generative artificial intelligence (AI) for the shift to instant payments and other payments modernization projects, while four in ten (42%) are actively considering the possibility.


Banks believe they're eight month behind criminals

New research from RedCompass Labs, a world leader in payments modernization and financial crime red flags, reveals that US banks believe they are eight months behind criminals, with the largest institutions believing the gap is as wide as 23 months.


UK data breach costs soar

The average cost of a data breach in the UK rose to £3.58 million between March 2023 and February 2024, marking a 5% increase from the previous year and reversing a previous decline.


Cboe Clear Europe participates in Eurosystem CBDC trial

Cboe Clear Europe, the largest pan-European clearing house, has successfully participated in the Eurosystem’s recent exploratory work testing the use of new technologies for the settlement of wholesale transactions in central bank money. The experiments specifically aim to explore the potential of distributed ledger technology (DLT).


Digital payments have lower environmental impact than cash - report

The European Digital Payments Industry Alliance (EDPIA) is pleased to announce the publication of the Oxford Economics white paper The environmental impact of digital over cash payments in Europe.


US businesses and consumers increasingly adopting faster payments

U.S. businesses and consumers are rapidly adopting digital, faster and instant payment services, according to studies released today by Federal Reserve Financial Services.


US Faster Payments Council publishes QR code report

The US Faster Payments Council (FPC), a membership organization devoted to advancing safe, easy-to-use faster payments in the United States, is pleased to announce the release of its latest report, How QR Codes Address 'the Last Mile' Adoption of Faster Payments at the Point-of-Sale.


Nutmeg survey shows increase in personal saving

New research from Nutmeg, the UK’s largest digital wealth manager, reveals a positive picture when it comes to the nation’s personal finance habits.


FinTech Wales launches sustainability course

FinTech Wales, a non-profit independent membership organisation for the FinTech and Financial Services industries in Wales, has partnered with The London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF) to offer an exclusive, five module course for professionals in FinTech to deepen their understanding of sustainability strategies.


NA banks to prioritise tech spending - Temenos

North American banks consider technology to be the biggest trend impacting their industry – and are focusing their investment strategy accordingly, finds an Economist Impact study, commissioned by Temenos, which surveyed bank executives in North America.


UK payment providers frustrated by lack of VRP progress

Today, Nuapay, EML Payments’ Open Banking and account-to-account (A2A) payments business, announces the results of research into PSPs and ISVs views on Open Banking adoption and potential barriers.


Ethereum ranks as UK's most popular bitcoin alternative

New research has revealed 2023’s most popular Bitcoin alternatives, with Ethereum coming out on top.

/crime reveals Brits lost £593 million through fraud in Q2 2023

New figures released in the updated 2023 Fraud Report from the credit card experts at, which analyses police figures to reveal where in the UK has seen the biggest rise in fraud and cyber crime, show that reports of fraudulent attacks have increased yet again.


JPMorgan Chase paper investigates quantum deep hedging

QC Ware and JPMorgan Chase have completed a study of quantum "deep hedging," paving the way for future increased risk mitigation capabilities in financial services.