Quantum computing

49 articles tagged with this keyword


US Bank: New technology is not always the answer to customer need

In the fintech industry, we often hear of growing innovations and iterative developments on existing technologies that seek to reimagine our world. Many are successful, many are groundbreaking but it is true, in a market of increasing transformation, that there are also products invented without a need for them.


JPMorgan makes quantum computing randomness breakthrough

JPMorgan Chase researchers are claiming a quantum computing breakthrough, generating certified randomness.


JPMorgan leads quantum computing arms race

JPMorgan is far and away the market leader in tackling the threats and opportunies for banks presented by advancements in quantum computing, according to research published by benchmarking platform Evident.


FS-ISAC offers payment card industry guidance on quantum computing risks

With work on quantum computing gaining momentum, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) has issued guidance to help the payment card industry mitigate risks posed by the technology.


Cybercrime is national security risk – Google Cloud execs detail prevention strategies

Finextra spoke to leaders at Google Cloud: Nick Godfrey, senior director and global head, office of the CISO, and Jamie Collier, lead threat intelligence advisor (Europe), on how cybersecurity has evolved an what new threats are emerging in the financial crime landscape.


BMO joins IBM Quantum Network

Canada's BMO has joined the IBM Quantum Network, gaining access to Big Blue's advanced quantum infrastructure.


Banque de France and Monetary Authority of Singapore complete post-quantum cryptography trial

The Banque de France (BdF) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) have completed a groundbreaking joint experiment in post-quantum cryptography (PQC) to strengthen internet communications and data transfers conducted across continents.


Goldman Sachs takes quantum leap on options pricing

Goldman Sachs has conducted research on the application of quantum computing in the options priing market.


Banks urged to act now to avoid future quantum catastrophe

Banking regulators have put the financial industry on notice that they must begin immediately developing plans for mitigating quantum computing risks.


HSBC pilots quantum-safe technology for digital gold

HSBC has successfully trialled the first application of quantum-secure technology for buying and selling tokenised physical gold.


MAS collaborates with banks and tech firms on quantum security

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has gathered a consortium of banks and technology partners to study the application of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) as a defensive mechanisim against the threat posed by super-fast computing power.


MAS to fund quantum and AI projects for financial sector

The Monetary Authority of Singapore is to commit $100 million in grant funding to support the development of AI and quantum computing technologies in the financial sector.


BBVA runs successful trial of distributed quantum simulation in the cloud

BBVA has completed a successful trial of the execution of quantum algorithms across multiple conventional servers in the AWS cloud.


HSBC and PayPal tackle quantum-safe cryptography in payments

HSBC and PayPal are among the founding member of a new working group investigating the adoption of quantum-safe cryptography in the payments industry.


Singapore warns banks to prepare for quantum computing cyber threat

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has told the country's financial institutions to make sure they are prepared for the rising cybersecurity risks posed by quantum computing.


JPMorgan anchors $300 million funding round in Quantinuum

JPMorgan Chase has anchored a $300 million investmnet round in quantum computing startup Quantinuum, valuing the business at $5 billion.


HSBC trials quantum protection for AI-powered FX trading

HSBC has piloted the use of quantum key encryption to protect client FX trading data from the threat of increasingly powerful cyber attacks.


UBS funds Swiss Open Quantum Institute in bid to achieve UN sustainability goals

UBS has joined forces with Cern, the Swiss Government and non-profit foundation Gesda to fund experiments in quantum computing aimed at achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals.


HSBC takes a deep dive into quantum computing

HSBC is collaborating with Terra Quantum on an experiment to test the use of quantum technology for optimising capital allocation.


Bank of Canada explores impact of quantum computing on CBDCs

The Bank of Canada has called in local specialist evolutionQ for a research project involving quantum-safe cybersecurity technologies for greenfield digital currencies.