Post-trade & ops

3702 articles tagged with this keyword

/Post-trade & ops

Dealing firms not ready for real-time reconciliation - survey

More than half of financial institutions have not yet embarked on real-time reconciliation for any of their asset classes and do not expect to be in a position to move to do so by the end of 2013, according to a survey conducted by Gresham Computing

/Post-trade & ops

Swift taps SmartStream for Accord Matching overhaul

Financial messaging network Swift has enlisted SmartStream Technologies for an overhaul of its Accord confirmation matching engine.

/Post-trade & ops

Swift wins T2S connectivity deal with CSD consortium

Link Up Markets, a consortium of 11 European central securities depositories (CSDs), has selected financial messaging network Swift to provide connectivity to Target2-Securities, the new pan-European settlement infrastucture under construction by the European Central Bank.

/Post-trade & ops

Back office strategies and customer loyalty

K Nanda Kumar, president and CEO of SunTec looks at strategies for enhancing the customer experience while managing legacy architectures.

/Post-trade & ops

Technology trends in the back office

Richard Chapman, director, product management, operations, SunGard talks about the increasing focus on back office innovation and technology.

/Post-trade & ops

Sanctions Screening from Swift

Economic sanctions are frequently used by governments to implement foreign policy and fight financial crime and terrorist groups. Keeping up-to-date and compliant with ever-changing sanctions lists and requirements represents a common challenge to the banking industry. If you work at a small to mid-size financial institution, Sanctions Screening provides a quick-to-implement, cost effective solution for real-time screening of your Swift messages.

/Post-trade & ops

Shortening US trade settlement cycle a big money saver - BCG

Shortening the time period between trade execution and settling payment for US cash securities transactions could reduce the industry's costs and risk exposure by several hundred million dollars a year, according to a report from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

/Post-trade & ops

The Truth about T+2

How will the market cope? Is the industry ready for T+2? Find out more by registering to watch this webcast now.

/Post-trade & ops

LEI and CICI explained

Mark Davies, vice president, data business development at the DTCC looks at the industry readiness for a legal entity identifier and explains the funding structure for the CICI Utility Database.

/Post-trade & ops

Avox launches legal entity data portal

The DTCC's Avox unit has launched a revamped portal offering free access to core data fields and standard industry identifiers for a global set of legal entities.

/Post-trade & ops

Are we ready for T+2?

Tony Freeman, executive director of industry relations at Omgeo examines how the industry is preparing for the upcoming T+2 regulation.

/Post-trade & ops

DTCC outlines plan to eliminate paper stocks

The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has outlined a multi-year programme for the complete elimination of paper securities certificates from US financial markets.

/Post-trade & ops

Thomson Reuters lifts restrictions on RICs

Thomson Reuters is to make its proprietary Reuters Instrument Codes available beyond its desktops and feeds for use across the trade processing lifecycle by both customers and non-customers.

/Post-trade & ops

Euroclear to join T2S project

The European Central Bank's plans to develop a common framework for securities settlement across Europe have been boosted by the agreement of three Euroclear central depositories in Belgium, France and The Netherlands to participate in the scheme.

/Post-trade & ops

FSB sets out LEI scope and timetable

The Financial Stability Board has set out 35 recommendations for the development and implementation of a global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) system that will uniquely identify parties to financial transactions.

/Post-trade & ops

Credit cards, Basel II and Islamic banking in Pakistan

Javed Yousuf Edhi, CIO of Karachi-based Silkbank discusses Basel II compliance, EMV-based cards and a speedy T24 implementation at this years TCF 2012.

/Post-trade & ops

US to explore shortened trade settlement cycle

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) in partnership with the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association has commissioned the Boston Consulting Group to research the prospect of shortening US trade settlement cycles.

/Post-trade & ops

Up to one in ten trades still fail to settle on time

With market regulators pushing for a shortening of settlement cycles, new research from trade matching utility Omgeo indicates that trade failure rates may be as high as 10% in the equity market and seven per cent in fixed income markets.

/Post-trade & ops

ECB signs nine depositories to T2S project

Nine central securities depositories have signed up to participate in the European Central Bank's controversial Target 2 Securities (T2S) platform, which is intended to streamline securities settlement across the Eurozone.

/Post-trade & ops

LCH.Clearnet in discussions to acquire IDCG from Nasdaq OMX

European clearing house LCH.Clearnet has confirmed that it is in discussions to acquire International Derivatives Clearing Group (IDCG) from Nasdaq OMX as it bids to grow its interest rate swaps business in the US.