Post-trade & ops

3702 articles tagged with this keyword

/Post-trade & ops

The light at the end of the T2S tunnel

Thibaud de Maintenant, global head of Direct Securities Services, Deutsche Bank looks at the impact Target2Securities will have on the custody market.

/Post-trade & ops

Dissecting the regulatory brain

Impendium Systems' product development director Stuart Clark and head of sales Will Cawthorne discuss regulation, differences in regional regulatory mandates and the perception change to regulation.

/Post-trade & ops

SEC preps public Web site for HFT data and research

The Securities and Exchange Commission is launching a public Web site packed with reams of the kind of data, research and analysis used by HFT traders in a bid to "transform the debate on market structure".

/Post-trade & ops

Swift's superset of market infrastructure

Fabian Vandenreydt, head of securities markets and core business development, discusses the collateral management space, pain points in the industry and the future of the sector.

/Post-trade & ops

A focus on liquidity

Andy Mellor, portfolio manager financial control solutions, risk & compliance at Fiserv, discusses trends in the reconciliation market and risks of new payments channels.

/Post-trade & ops

The fear of collateral shortage

Tim Howell, CEO of Euroclear, discusses the fear of a collateral shortage and what the industry should really be concerned with.

/Post-trade & ops

Making sense of standard settlement instructions

Tony Freeman, executive director of industry relations at Omgeo, explains the Omgeo SSI global repository, why SSIs are important and the implementation of CSD regulation.

/Post-trade & ops

The time for corporate actions automation is now

Brendan Farrell, executive vice president, XSP, SunGard’s capital markets business looks at the long road to corporate actions automation, the American market and how cloud computing and software-as-as-service are driving projects.

/Post-trade & ops

Deutsche Bourse puts market data in the cloud

Deutsche Börse has introduced a new cloud-based service for the delivery of historical market data.

/Post-trade & ops

DTCC partners banks on global utility for client reference data

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has teamed up with a group of major global banks in a bid to develop a global service to collect and manage the client entity reference data necessary to meet regulatory requirements.

/Post-trade & ops

Mutualising costs in the post-trade space

Tom Carey, CEO and president, securities processing solutions international, Broadridge, discusses mutualisation of costs in post-trade, multi-asset processing and STP.

/Post-trade & ops

The future of standards

Stephen Lindsay, head of standards at Swift, discusses financial messaging standards, what is in store for the future and the process of getting them accepted.

/Post-trade & ops

Swift bids to carve out space in regulatory compliance

Financial messaging network Swift is looking to extend its remit to the emerging regulatory landscape, pitching its shared market infrastructure as a cost-effective means for financial institutions to ease the compliance burden.

/Post-trade & ops

Reinventing the custody model

Satvinder Singh, Global Head of Trust & Securities Services and Cash Management for Financial Institutions at Deutsche Bank looks at the pressures and challenges facing the custody market.

/Post-trade & ops

Are banks ready for intraday liquidity monitoring?

Darryl Twiggs, EVP product management at SmartStream looks at whether banks and institutions are ready for the upcoming BIS Intraday Liquidity Monitoring requirements.

/Post-trade & ops

SIX Securities Services chooses Swift for T2S connectivity

SIX Securities Services, the CSD group for Switzerland, has signed up to Swift's Value Added Network (VAN) to connect to Target2Securities.

/Post-trade & ops

US exchanges to deploy 'kill switches' in the wake of Nasdaq fall-over

US exchanges have agreed to implement 'kill switches' to shut down trading in the event of a technological failure.

/Post-trade & ops

Focus on market infrastructures

Juliette Kennel, Head of Market Infrastructures at Swift looks at how regulations, the need for cost reductions and the push towards innovation is shaping the market infrastructure environment.

/Post-trade & ops

Should we care about Target2Securities?

Angus Fletcher, head of market advocacy and business strategy, GTB, Graham Ray, global product management, Direct Securities Services, Audrey Fauvel, head of EMEA sales, Direct Securities Services and Andrew Rand, head of Direct Securities Services, EMEA, all at Deutsche Bank urge the industry to get engaged with T2S now.

/Post-trade & ops

US regulator proposes further curbs on high-speed trading

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission is seeking public comment on further proposals to curb high-speed derivatives trading.