Post-trade & ops

3702 articles tagged with this keyword

/Post-trade & ops

Open banking: ID verification & collaboration key

Giorgio Ferrero, CEO, and John Broxis, Managing Director, PRETA, talk about why banks should be interested in offering identity verification, and how to offset the risk that fragmented solutions for access to accounts under PSD2 could undermine the digital single market

/Post-trade & ops

Hatstand joins with Sqreem on surveillance platform

Global financial services consultancy and capital market specialist Hatstand, a Synechron company, announces it has established a strategic partnership with Sqreem, a pattern detection and predictive analysis software firm, to jointly provide solutions for use with financial crime.

/Post-trade & ops

AI is a mature suite of tools for payments

Joe Lyske, Partner, Time Machine Capital, pinpoints how artificial intelligence (AI) fits into the payments industry, and which specific areas of banking are receptive to the technology.

/Post-trade & ops

The JSE T+3 project goes live

On Monday, July 11th, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) will complete its move to a shorter settlement cycle, when all trades conducted on the exchange will be settled on a T+3 cycle.

/Post-trade & ops

Banks must figure out the ‘why’ of open APIs

Ronnie Mitra, ‎Director of API Design, API Academy, CA Technologies, talks about the impact of open APIs on banks’ customer relationships, the opportunity banks have to leverage accelerated interest in APIs due to PSD2, and the need for banks to work out why they are developing APIs – and for whom.

/Post-trade & ops

Asset Control unveils AC risk data manager developments

Financial data management solutions provider Asset Control announces the latest round of enhancements to AC Risk Data Manager, to help financial institutions address next-level regulatory data management requirements through its powerful market data calculation back-end.

/Post-trade & ops

Sinara chosen by London Metal Exchange to develop new matching system

UK software house Sinara Consultants, a specialist in IT systems for exchanges and their member firms, has been chosen to develop a new Matching system for the London Metal Exchange (LME).

/Post-trade & ops

Private and public blockchains for trade finance

Gene Vayngrib, CEO & Co-Founder, Tradle, suggests that a private protocol over a public distributed ledger is an alternative to permissioned blockchains and centralised marketplaces in Trade Finance and Supply Chain, and predicts when startups will roll out mainstream products in financial services.

/Post-trade & ops

Montran Corporation and Piramide Groep announce strategic partnership

Montran Corporation and Piramide Groep are forming a strategic partnership to provide European bank and non-bank financial institutions with a low-cost SaaS-based (Software as a Service) transaction banking platform option.

/Post-trade & ops

Colt Prizmnet doubles footprint in Hong Kong and Singapore

Colt PrizmNet, the financial extranet developed by Colt, has continued to grow its footprint in Asia by connecting to Equinix’s International Business Exchange (IBX) data centres in Hong Kong (HK1) and Singapore (SG1).

/Post-trade & ops

CloudMargin appoints David Little as non-executive director

CloudMargin, a financial technology firm providing a SaaS based collateral and margin management platform, today announced it has appointed industry expert David Little as Non-Executive Director, joining the board of the FinTech Company with immediate effect.

/Post-trade & ops

EU instigates new rules to fight insider dealing and market manipulation

A revamped EU legal framework, applicable as of 3 July, will ensure even more efficient, transparent and trustworthy European financial markets.

/Post-trade & ops

Zedra acquires Allied Corporate Services

Zedra (the “Group”), the global independent specialist in trust, fiduciary, corporate and fund services, announces that it has agreed the acquisition of Netherlands-based Allied Corporate Services (“Allied”).

/Post-trade & ops

Tackling the weakest link for e-commerce fraud

James Rendell, Vice President, Payment Security Strategy, CA Technologies, discusses how banks – and consumers – benefit from best practices in fighting e-commerce fraud, how these techniques translate into the mobile environment, and why predictive modelling to tackle the vulnerability of the human link in the chain will be even more important in a distributed world.

/Post-trade & ops

Legal framework for Russia's corporate actions reform goes into force

On 1 July, provisions of Federal Law № 210-FZ “On Amending Certain Enactments of the Russian Federation and Termination of Certain Provisions of Enactments of the Russian Federation” amending the Federal Laws “On Joint Stock Companies” and “On Capital Markets” went into effect.

/Post-trade & ops

GBST appoints head of Emea

GBST (ASX: GBT), which provides software for administration and transaction processing through its GBST Composer, GBST Syn~ and GBST SharesTM platforms, today announced the appointment of David Simpson to the position of head of Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

/Post-trade & ops

Finnish market ready for second phase of CSD replacement project

We are replacing our core CSD platform in preparation to joining the European Central Bank’s TARGET2-Securities (T2S) platform.

/Post-trade & ops

Chamber of Digital Commerce adds DTCC's Mark Wetjen to board of advisors

Today the Chamber of Digital Commerce (“Chamber”) announces the appointment of Mark Wetjen of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (“DTCC”) to its Board of Advisors.

/Post-trade & ops

Brexit: Visa could move jobs to continent, LSE-Deutsche Bourse London HQ at risk

The Brexit fallout continues, with concerns rising that Visa might move hundreds of jobs out of the UK, the London Stock Exchange's merger with Deutsche Bourse could be hampered, and the City's role running euro clearing is under threat.

/Post-trade & ops

Duet Group implements Eze Software investment suite

Duet Group, a global alternative asset manager with more than USD5.6 billion in assets under management, has completed the rollout of Eze Software Investment Suite across its front-, middle- and back-office operations.