Post-trade & ops

1187 articles tagged with this keyword

/Post-trade & ops

Avox to double workforce as demand for reference data grows

DTCC-owned clean data utility Avox has announced plans to hire 200 new staff over the next two-years, doubling its workforce in the face of increasing industry demand for accurate reference data.

/Post-trade & ops

Swift boosts compliance services portfolio with Omnicision acquisition

Swift has acquired financial crime prevention services firm Omnicision as it continues to build up its compliance unit. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

/Post-trade & ops

Swift: The Future of Financial Standards - Live Blog

Welcome to Finextra's live blog from Swift's Standards Forum event at Level 39 in Canary Wharf, UK. Brought to you by The Swift Institute, the Forum and the London School of Economics (LSE) and Political Science the conference is entitled 'The Future of Financial Standards'.

/Post-trade & ops

Nasdaq rethinks Amazon FinQloud venture - FT

US exchange operator Nasdaq is rethinking its FinqCloud venture with e-commerce giant Amazon after the business failed to gain sufficient traction with potential customers, according to the Financial Times.

/Post-trade & ops

Thomson Reuters joins KYC utility race

Thomson Reuters is taking on Swift and a host of other start-ups in the race to develop a central utility for Know Your Customer due diligence checking with the launch of Accelus Org ID.

/Post-trade & ops

Third party vendors the winners as trading technology trends shift

Technology innovation in equity markets has changed direction as the race-to-zero latency and the pursuit of high-frequency trading cools, says capital markets consultancy GreySpark partners

/Post-trade & ops

Thomson Reuters establishes subsidiary to handle financial benchmarks

Thomson Reuters has established a new subsidiary to handle its involvement in calculating financial benchmarks, which are set to operate under tougher regulations in the wake of widescale abuses by bank data suppliers.

/Post-trade & ops

Edelstein invests in Algomi

Capital markets STP veteran and former chairman and CEO of BondDesk, Howard Edelstein has joined Algomi as a 'strategic advisor' and taken an equity stake in the two-year old fixed income liquidity discovery start-up.

/Post-trade & ops

Banks and capital markets firms to boost compliance spending by 10% - Accenture

Nearly two thirds of European and North American banking and capital markets firms expect to significantly increase their spending on compliance risk management over the next couple of years, according to research from Accenture.

/Post-trade & ops

Deutsche Bourse to build new clearing business in Singapore

Deutsche Börse has earmarked an additional EUR30 million in spending to spur plans for new growth initiatives over the coming year, including the creation of a central counterparty clearing house in Singapore.

/Post-trade & ops

DTCC warns demand for collateral set to overwhelm system infrastructures

With regulatory changes sparking a surge in demand for collateral, current operational processes and system infrastructures looks set to be overwhelmed, the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has warned.

/Post-trade & ops

SunGard appoints Marianne Brown as COO of financial systems

Marianne Brown, president and CEO of post-trade processing house Omgeo, has been appointed as chief operating officer of SunGard's financial systems business.

/Post-trade & ops

UBS to outsource fixed income platform to Murex and ION - Reuters

Swiss bank UBS is to outsource large parts of its fixed income technology infrastructure to Murex and ION, according to Reuters.

/Post-trade & ops

KYC Exhange Net launches Web-based platform for due diligence data sharing

Switzerland-based KYC Exchange has launched a Web-based communication platform for Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) data sharing for the international banking community

/Post-trade & ops

Regulators slate financial firms for poor counterparty risk measures

Five years after the financial crisis, progress on timely and accurate counterparty risk measures has been largely unsatisfactory, reports the Financial Stability Board.

/Post-trade & ops

Europe reaches agreement on MiFID reforms

A comprehensive rewrite of rules governing trading in financial markets has been agreed by the European Parliament and the bloc's Council of Ministers.

/Post-trade & ops

Finextra Future Money presents: How to succeed as a fintech start-up

Finextra is inviting start-up companies in London to participate in the first of a series of breakfast roundtables ahead of the forthcoming Future Money conference, run in association with fintech accelerator space Level39.

/Post-trade & ops

Barclays fined $3.75m for electronic record keeping failures

US regulator Finra has slapped Barclays Capital with a $3.75 million fine for a decade-long failure to properly preserve electronic records, e-mails and instant messages.

/Post-trade & ops

2013: That was the year that was

As Finextra pulls the shutters down on 2013, we take a look back at our most popular news stories, videos, features and blogs over the course of the past year. The site will re-open for business on 2 January 2014.

/Post-trade & ops

European Union reaches agreement on settlement reforms

The European Parliament has hammered out an agreement on safeguards aimed at protecting the financial system from failures at central securities depositories.