Post-trade & ops

1187 articles tagged with this keyword

/Post-trade & ops

MEPs warm to distributed ledger tech

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have vowed not to regulate virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology out of existence.

/Post-trade & ops

Swift sets out distributed ledger position

As the hype surrounding distributed ledger technology continues to build, Swift is acknowledging the inevitable and promising to evolve its platform to enable DLT-based services - but only when a series of "critical factors" have been addressed.

/Post-trade & ops

Swift Business Forum London 2016 - Live blog

Now in its sixth year, the Swift Business Forum London 2016 brought together 1000 delegates from across banking, securities, market infrastructures and corporates to tackle the theme, Build the future. A broad spectrum of speakers discussed their vision and aspirations for the industry, while tackling practical topics around disruption, technology and regulation - particularly as they impact the UK market.

/Post-trade & ops

Private equity firms to acquire Calypso

Capital markets software provider Calypso is to be acquired by European private equity fund Bridgepoint and global growth equity investor Summit Partners.

/Post-trade & ops

SIA wins Reserve Bank of New Zealand RTGS contract

Italy's SIA has won a contract with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to implement and support a new real-time gross settlement system (RTGS) that will replace the current Exchange Settlement Account System (ESAS).

/Post-trade & ops

Fed Governor warns of unintended consequences of distributed ledger adoption

Legacy technology and interoperability could be the stumbling blocks to widespread uptake of distributed ledgers in the financial markets, creating unintended consequences for the efficient functioning of markets, a Federal Reserve Bank governor has warned.

/Post-trade & ops

CFTC Commissioner hails potential of distributed ledger tech for regulators

Policymakers and regulators should adopt a 'do no harm' approach to the use of blockchain technology in financial services, according to Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner J Christopher Giancarlo, who also argues that the distributed ledger could be a boon for watchdogs by improving transparency.

/Post-trade & ops

Chain and MUFG conduct blockchain trials

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is collaborating with blockchain infrastructure outfit Chain on a proof-of-concept test for the application of distributed ledger technology in the issuance and transfer of Promissory Notes.

/Post-trade & ops

Japan Exchange and NRI begin blockchain proof-of-concept

IT outfit Nomura Research Institute (NRI) is working with Japan Exchange Group and several major financial institutions to test the use of blockchain technology in the securities industry.

/Post-trade & ops

Major banks perform successful test of smart contracts in CDS market

Four major banks, the DTCC and Markit have announced the completion of a successful test of the use of distributed ledger technology and smart contracts to manage post-trade processes in the credit default swaps market.

/Post-trade & ops

R3 outlines Corda distributed ledger for financial agreements

After six months of development, the R3 consortium has unveiled its Corda distributed ledger platform for recording and managing financial agreements.

/Post-trade & ops

Bank of Ireland and BNP Paribas announce blockchain breakthroughs

New use cases for the adoption of blockchains in finance are appearing every day, with Bank of Ireland and BNP Paribas the latest to demonstrate the disruptive potential of the technology

/Post-trade & ops

R3 enlists Microsoft Azure for distributed ledger push

Distributed ledger consortium R3 has struck a deal with Microsoft that will see the tech giant provide cloud-based tools, services and infrastructure for R3 lab locations around the world.

/Post-trade & ops

Investment banks facing new industrial revolution - GreySpark

The world's investment banks must look to the experiences of the automotive and aircraft manufacturing industries in the battle to remain relevant in a new data-driven digital era says consultancy firm GreySpark Partners.

/Post-trade & ops

Nasdaq unveils dark pool hosting plan

Nasdaq is apparently in negotiations with a number of banks and brokers about taking over the running of their dark pools, according to Reuters.

/Post-trade & ops

DTCC trials distributed ledger tech for repo market

The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is working with Digital Asset Holdings on a distributed ledger-based system for the clearing and settlement of US repurchase agreements (repos).

/Post-trade & ops

Deutsche Bank to issue update on IT overhaul - FT

The executive charged with the job of overhauling Deutsche Bank's IT systems is due to give her first progress report this Friday, according to the Financial Times.

/Post-trade & ops

IHS and Markit agree mammoth merger

Data firm IHS is to merge with Markit in a $13 billion deal that creates a global information powerhouse with leading positions in energy, financial services and transportation.

/Post-trade & ops

Commission forces Esma back to the drawing board over MiFID II reforms

The European Commission has asked capital markets watchdog Esma to reconsider some of the more contentious aspects of its planned reforms of MiFID II, raising the prospect of further delays in implementing the new rulebook.

/Post-trade & ops

LSE and Deutsche Bourse confirm merger terms

The London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Bourse have agreed the terms of a blockbuster "merger of equals", shrugging off the tentative advances from rival suitors for the UK exchange.