Post-trade & ops

1187 articles tagged with this keyword

/Post-trade & ops

OpenGamma raises $13.3m

OpenGamma has raised $13 million in a funding round led by Accel and Icap. The open source risk management outfit has also promoted COO Peter Rippon to CEO.

/Post-trade & ops

IBM to acquire Promontory; create AI-driven compliance subsidiary

IBM is to acquire risk management and regulatory compliance consulting firm Promontory Capital and create a new subsidiary, Watson Financial Services, in which it will use artificial intelligence technology to keep pace with the rapidly changing financial reporting landscape.

/Post-trade & ops

Banks ready for real-world blockchain

Distributed ledger technology is set to move out of the test environment and into the wild next year, with nearly two thirds of banks expecting to be in production with full-scale, commercial blockchain projects by 2019, according to research from IBM.

/Post-trade & ops

Europe opens in-depth probe into LSE/Deutsche Bourse tie-up

The European Commission has opened an in-depth anti-trust investigation into the proposed EUR24 billion merger between Deutsche Bourse and the London Stock Exchange.

/Post-trade & ops

Credit Suisse drives blockchain project in syndicated loans market

Credit Suisse and the R3 blockchain consortium are driving a new initiative to apply distributed ledger technology to overhaul antiquated and costly manual intervention in the $3 trillion global syndicated loans market.

/Post-trade & ops

CSDs look to harness distributed ledger technology

A pair of central securities depositories (CSDs) are tackling the threat posed to their industry by the blockchain frenzy head on, forming a partnership to explore how they can make the most of distributed ledger technology.

/Post-trade & ops

CLS to use Hyperledger Fabric for new payment netting service

Multi-bank foreign exchange counterparty CLS is to build a payments netting service for trades settled outside the core membership using distributed ledger technology based on Hyperledger Fabric.

/Post-trade & ops

R3 banks use Intel distributed ledger technology for bond trading

Working under the R3 banner, a gang of eight banks have successfully tested a distributed ledger prototype for bond transactions using Intel technology.

/Post-trade & ops

Distributed ledger technology could damage financial market integration - ECB

A senior executive at the European Central Bank has spoken out about the potential damage to financial market integration from the haphazard uptake of distributed ledger technologies by the Bloc's banks.

/Post-trade & ops

BNP Paribas is working with clients on blockchain deployment

BNP Paribas says it has entered 'co-development mode' with clients to pilot a number of blockchain applications for transaction banking, after embarking on a collaborative process during its ‘Blockchain Bizhackathon’ earlier this year.

/Post-trade & ops

SIX and Clearstream team up as post-trade consolidation pressure grows

SIX Securities Services and Clearstream have struck a deal to provide shared services to local and European markets, as rising costs and pressure for diversification force consolidation in the European clearing and settlement industry.

/Post-trade & ops

SIX hires Digital Asset for post-trade DLT; Swift bids for standards role

SIX Securities Services has contracted with Digital Asset Holdings to develop a proof of concept that will demonstrate the commercial viability of distributed ledger technology across the Swiss financial market, with an initial focus on securities lifecycle processing.

/Post-trade & ops

Time has come to extract value from blockchain investment – new Finextra paper

Latest Finextra paper finds blockchain has grown up during 2016, and explores industry’s efforts to exploit its potential in a shorter timeframe.

/Post-trade & ops

Finextra paper finds shared services key for proxy voting transformation

Local custodians can tackle structural costs - and improve customer experience - through outsourced proxy services, finds a new paper from Finextra.

/Post-trade & ops

Thomson Reuters delves deeper into Ethereum

Thomson Reuters is partnering with Ethereum, Imperial College of London, UCL, and tech partners Oraclize, Crypto Compare and Ethcore to host a weekend-long blockchain hackathon in Canary Wharf, London.

/Post-trade & ops

Exchange body calls for creation of regulatory sandboxes for distributed ledgers

The World Federation of Exchanges is calling for the creation of regulatory sandboxes for distributed ledger technology, to help industry efforts to explore and understand the impact of blockchain-based services in the capital markets.

/Post-trade & ops

JPX bigs up blockchain

Japan Exchange Group is talking up the transformational potential of the use of distributed ledgers in capital markets after analysing the results of proof of concept trials with member firms over the course of the past year.

/Post-trade & ops

Financial market infrastructures piling into blockchain - WFE

More than 84% of trading venues and clearing counterparties surveyed by the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) are either investigating or actively pursuing the applicability of distributed ledger technologies in financial markets.

/Post-trade & ops

R3 blockchain consortium sheds light on Concord project

The bank-backed R3 CEV blockchain consortium has filed its first patent application, shedding light on Corda, the software that will be central to its shared ledger project, which could begin rolling out within months.

/Post-trade & ops

UBS wins big bank backing for Utility Settlement Coin concept

BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank, Icap and Santander have joined with UBS and Clearmatics to advance the Utility Settlement Coin, an asset-backed digital cash instrument implemented on distributed ledger technology.