Post-trade & ops

236 articles tagged with this keyword

/Post-trade & ops

Regulatory change in the post-trade environment

Arun Aggarwal, managing director, UK and Ireland, Swift, discusses regulation change at the dawn of T2S, collateral management and liquidity pools.

/Post-trade & ops

Post-trade takes centre stage at Sibos

Arun Aggarwal, managing director UK and Ireland for Swift discusses the growing importance of post-trade issues and Target2Securities in the lead up to Sibos.

/Post-trade & ops

What is the GETC?

Peter Webb, business development and alliances at SmartStream and Paul Taylor, director, post-trade services at Swift discuss the Global Electronic Trade Confirmation system.

/Post-trade & ops

The political agenda of regulations

Jerry Avenell, co-head of sales at Bats Chi-X Europe discusses the turbulent regulatory environment in the trade execution space.

/Post-trade & ops

Is the LEI a 'Golden Saviour'?

Graeme Austin, CEO, Isitc Europe and Chris Pickles, co-chair FPL global education and marketing committee, and head of industry initiatives, global banking & financial markets at BT, on the promise of the Legal Entity Identifier.

/Post-trade & ops

A FIX for post-trade?

Laura Craft, co-chair of the FIX Protocol's post trade working group and director, equities and fixed income at Traiana and Terri Van Praagh, senior vice president, Northern Trust discuss the challenges inherent in the post-trade space at this year's FIX EMEA conference in London.

/Post-trade & ops

Are you ready for the Common Reporting changes?

Stuart Clark, MD of Impendium discusses understanding the Common Reporting Framework or Corep.

/Post-trade & ops

What is Mifid?

Stuart Clark, MD and Will Cawthorne, head of sales, both of Impendium examine the impact of Mifid and the coming of Mifid II on the European market.

/Post-trade & ops

What is Emir?

Impendium examines the implications of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation on the industry. Originally published on on: 09 January 2013

/Post-trade & ops

Bloomberg launches App Portal

Claudio Storelli, global business manager, Application Portal at Bloomberg discusses allowing third party developers into the Bloomberg Community.

/Post-trade & ops

Target 2 Securities is a reality

Bruno Prigent, head, Société Générale Securities Services talks about the main issues affecting securities services and asset management.

/Post-trade & ops

Swift's utility approach

Luc Meurant, head of banking, supply chain and corporate markets, Swift gives an update on Swift's utility approach to compliance.

/Post-trade & ops

Why is trade matching important for banks?

Thibaud de Maintenant, managing director, global head, Direct Securities Services, GTB at Deutsche Bank looks at global trade matching.

/Post-trade & ops

T+2 will be a reality

Tony Freeman, executive director of industry relations, Omgeo on the move towards shorter settlement cycles.

/Post-trade & ops

Deutsche Bank recognises Sberbank for STP Excellence

Deutsche Bank today presented Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, with its prestigious Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Awards for USD and EUR Payments.

/Post-trade & ops

Back office strategies and customer loyalty

K Nanda Kumar, president and CEO of SunTec looks at strategies for enhancing the customer experience while managing legacy architectures.

/Post-trade & ops

Technology trends in the back office

Richard Chapman, director, product management, operations, SunGard talks about the increasing focus on back office innovation and technology.

/Post-trade & ops

Sanctions Screening from Swift

Economic sanctions are frequently used by governments to implement foreign policy and fight financial crime and terrorist groups. Keeping up-to-date and compliant with ever-changing sanctions lists and requirements represents a common challenge to the banking industry. If you work at a small to mid-size financial institution, Sanctions Screening provides a quick-to-implement, cost effective solution for real-time screening of your Swift messages.

/Post-trade & ops

The Truth about T+2

How will the market cope? Is the industry ready for T+2? Find out more by registering to watch this webcast now.

/Post-trade & ops

LEI and CICI explained

Mark Davies, vice president, data business development at the DTCC looks at the industry readiness for a legal entity identifier and explains the funding structure for the CICI Utility Database.